[Course Forum] Cambridge Latin Book I by wavey_jade

Creator said to notify her of any corrections, but I can’t see how to do that. “Thief” is misspelled in the English word list.

If you provide a link to the course, maybe smo can help you

Sorry, meant to specify wavey_jade and http://www.memrise.com/course/203642/cambridge-latin-course-book-1-10/

@wavey_jade is not on this forum it seems. Maybe Memrise can contact him to come here. @Lien

Email sent :postbox:

Ah! Thanks. I forgot a more important one! The translation for “contendit” is set to “hurries” instead of “contends.”

Well! While we’re at it, the definition of ducit is also incorrect. The course has it as “leaves” when it’s actually “leads [out]”

Actually, “contendere” can mean “to hurry” and “contendit” is glossed as "hurries in this series.

Hello. I just upgraded to Pro because I want pronunciation in the following course:


However, I can’t find the pronunciation.

  1. Does it exist?
  2. If so, how do I access it?
  3. If not, is there a reason to keep Pro?

It’s much less likely that a course in a dead and/or classical language will offer pronunciation. In most cases, the best we can do is guess at a reconstructed pronunciation, and there are often multiple operating systems. In Latin, for example, the primary two systems are classical and ecclesiastical. Musicians especially are familiar with additional systems that are mostly dialectical inflections of ecclesiastical.

For your own future reference, here’s a summary of the classical system of pronunciation, which is the one I prefer and the one used by the audio supplements to the Cambridge series. It was likely beginning to change into something that would sound a bit more like ecclesiastical or Italianate pronunciation by the fall of the western half of the empire, but this is a rough estimation of what would’ve been, effectively, the formal, literary pronunciation (probably):

  • all vowels are pronounced as they are ordinarily pronounced in most languages (not as in English): a’s are ahh sounds (or perhaps more of a schwa for an unaccented short a), e’s are ehh (short) or ay (long), i’s are ih (short) and ee (long), o’s are oh (sometimes ah/aw for short, but defaulting to oh is probably fine), u’s are oo as in book (short) and as in shoe (long)
  • diphthongs are as follows: ae is pronounced eye, oe is pronounced oy; all others essentially as written (ei is ay, etc.; words borrowed from Greek may borrow its dipthongs, such as ai for eye, or eu for…well…eu–that one’s odd)
  • all c’s and g’s are pronounced hard (cat/go); there are no soft c’s and g’s in classical latin
  • other consonants as expected from English, though you can probably safely default to dental t’s and d’s as in most romance languages (those descended from Latin)
  • in every case, the stress is on the penultimate (second-to-last) or antepenultimate (third-to-last) syllable; the determining factor is vowel length–a long vowel or diphthong in the penultimate syllable takes the accent, a short vowel followed by two consonant sounds (including x on its own) behaves as long, and in all other cases the accent is antepenultimate (fun fact: the same is assumed in Sanskrit)

The above is all off the top of my head, and it’s been a bit since I read any Latin, so if you run into anything that doesn’t seem to answer, feel free to shoot me a reply with questions for clarification.

Last but not least, I don’t have Pro, so I’m perhaps not the best person to answer this question, but–it will also give you access to your difficult words, as well as pronunciation on any future courses you learn which contain it. Depending on how you learn languages, having ready access to a practice session devoted specifically to words you struggle with may be useful enough to you to retain Pro membership.

This Latin course has audio: https://www.memrise.com/course/1480193/5000-most-frequent-latin-words-audio/ in case anyone is interested. The developer Robert-Alexander has also created some Ancient Greek audio.
Most courses with audio have that in the description, but I think its up to the developer whether they say so.
There are some good courses on memrise but they have no idea about how to be user-friendly.

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The Cambridge Latin Course on Memrise is borked as of module 12. You get goobledy-gook. Looks like some kind of character encoding perhaps, dunno, or just general data corruption. I have no idea if the corruption extends to 13 and beyond, as I can’t get past 12! I have submitted a bug report. @Lien

Here is a gyazo screen capture illustrating the problem. It’s the same for every word in the module.
