[Course Forum] Butterflies of Northern Europe by Vitaman

I just came across this course and it looks really nice, even if sadly I do not speak Swedish (yet?) and so will not be using lessons 6–10.


From looking up the first butterfly in the course, it looks like the two images shown are the upside and downside of the butterfly, respectively (from left to right). Is that right? Also, is the butterfly shown always a male specimen? (To be honest I don’t even really know how much of a difference sex makes in terms of butterfly appearance.)


Hi @VincentOostelbos, as I support this course, I’ll have a look later.

But @vitaman is here too, and it’s his course so should be the person addressing this concern.

Here is another butterfly course I support: https://www.memrise.com/course/277043/butterflies-of-ireland-and-the-uk/, but don’t use this thread to comment, use this one, please.

Different books do different things.

The female is often different from the male so ideally they should be shown as Male%20and%20Female%20Symbols and the underside is different to the top (but usually considerably different), so it is helpful if it distinguishes, but often (in my books) it is the male then the female.

When the underside is shown, it is usually shown on the same butterfly. The top side is shown on the left attached to the abdomen but the underside (half) wing shown on the right separated by a small gap.

Hope that helps.

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@VincentOostelbos I think you are correct. The left image is the upperwing while the right hand image shows the underwing. In those specimens of butterfly where males and females differ, for example the Orange Tip in level 1, only the male butterfly has been shown.


Thanks @Jemioluszka, the Orange Tip is a good test.

Also if you look at the Swallow Tail as a large image, one can see the body is upside-down and it even shows the legs!

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