[Course Forum] Brazilian Portuguese 1 - 7 by Memrise

Hi @IgCostaBR

I’ve noticed a previous a post about ‘where is the train station?’ in level 3 of Brazilian Portuguese, I’d just to point out that there is now a discrepancy the oral and written versions.

Written: ‘Onde é a estação de trem?’

Spoken: ‘Onde está a estação de trem?’



Oh, you’re right @spiderlucy.

Considering that, I’m excluding the audio and we’ll order a new one to replace it.

Thanks for raising it.



Hello @IgCostaBR
On the 2nd course on level 6 (Fuel Your Vocab: Out and About), there’s a spelling mistake for the English literal translation for “o cliente tem sempre razão”. It should say “the customer has always reason” for the literal translation, but instead it says “costumer”, not “customer”.
Thank you

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Fixed @heathr96. Thanks! =)

Você and Vocês are classified as “formal” on the advanced course, wheras - as far as I’m aware - they are actually informal in Brazil, and only formal in Portugal. This is confusing to me, especially on the speed sessions! @IgCostaBR is this your domain?

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advanced speed review Level 4
pela manha:

  1. in the morning (a.m.)
  2. a pity
  3. a fish
  4. in the morning
    I selected (1) but the “correct” answer was (4), and I ran out of hearts because of it.

over to you, @IgCostaBR :wink:


Hi @FerencCollins82.

Thanks for your messages! I’ll take a look at your request and work on any necessary adjustments this week, ok?

Thank you!


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Hi @FerencCollins82.

I’ve just checked your questions.

For “você/s” not being formal, you are right. This works only for European Portuguese and was added to the Brazilian course by mistake. Sorry for that! I’ve just fixed those entries.

As for your "in the morning" question, it’s not wrong, but can be clearer. Here’s the explanation:
"In the morning (a.m.)" refers to the way we say time in Portuguese. So, "10:00 a.m. / in the morning" would be "10 da manhã", whereas "pela manhã" refers to "in the morning" as a general way to mention the morning period of a day, like in “we did that in the morning” = “fizemos aquilo pela manhã”.

Thus, your speed review probably presented "da manhã" in that question, instead of "pela manhã".

Anyway, I’ve also changed this one, which now is presented as “da manhã” = “in the morning (time; a.m.)”. Same goes for “in the afternoon = da tarde” and “in the evening / night = da noite”).

Hope this can avoid other mistakes. :slight_smile:

Do let me know in case you have any other questions!




Thanks and I understand your reasoning. On a language course, and with these speed cards, I would suggest to be clearer you might consider having just one phrase that corresponds to another phrase, for example “pela manha”=“in the morning” and “da manha”=“a.m.” . Now clearly an English speaker might translate “10 da manha” as “10 in the morning” but they would already be clear on choosing the correct context. Similarly, I have heard archaic uses of the much less-commonly used construction, “I’ll see you in the a.m.” (~“pela manha”). Now, context is key, and for some things like the flash cards, there is only really time to consider a single translation, not figure out which context works in which set of instances. So you might want to consider specifically a primary translation that is a context clarifier and (possibly several) secondary translations that could be used. Then on some screens it’s more appropriate to show the secondary translations and on some screens, like the flash cards, maybe it’s less appropriate. So in my example I chose “in the morning(a.m.)” for “pela manha” because it looks to me like the “(a.m.)” is an explanation of “morning” and it is not clear from the context of the exercise that it is actually a secondary translation, whereas in effect, the primary(ie, context disambiguating) translation of “da manha” is “a.m.” with the secondary being “in the morning”.
Perhaps less something for language course builders like yourself to consider, perhaps more one for your programmers.

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Hi @FerencCollins82.

I understand your point.
Trying to make it even clearer (with the little space and time provided by a flash card in a speed review), I’ve updated those strings again, now it reads:
a.m. (time; morning)
p.m. (time; afternoon)
p.m. (time; evening)

As you said, there’s not much I can do beyond content changes (i.e., changing the layout itself).

Thank you and I hope you enjoy our courses!



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I’m a new user and just discovered, that there seem to be 2 courses for each level of Brazilian Portuguese. Look here: https://www.memrise.com/user/Memrise/courses/teaching/ and scroll all the way down to Portuguese (Brazilian) 1 (till 7).

The second course Portuguese (Brazilian) 2 is even 1 hour shorter/longer than the other one. Which one of them should be learned? :thinking:

Just wanted to see all the official Brazilian Portuguese courses and that’s what confused me a little :slight_smile:

Hi @Kajo76

Thanks for bringing this to my attention.

English (UK) vs English (US).

Sometimes for the lower courses English-us has more hours, but for PT BR7 the English (UK) version is longer.

PT BR 7: 9h (UK) vs 7h (US)
PT BR6: 8h (US) vs 7h (UK)
PT BR5: 8h (US) vs 7h (UK)
PT BR2: 7h (US) vs 6h (UK)

I would have to start learning the US versions to see the final words count and be able to make comparisons.

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Ah, this makes sense! :slightly_smiling_face:
Just saw, that I’m learning the UK version. I think I have to switch to the US version then.

Here is a comparison between them (at least for the word counts):

  1. UK 208 - US 204
  2. UK 371 - US 391
  3. UK 673 - US 684
  4. UK 163 - US 169
  5. UK 433 - US 471
  6. UK 441 - US 471
  7. UK 545 - US 545

Btw: Are there also sentences in there? Or are these courses almost only about vocabulary? :slight_smile:

Just learned the word “my, mine”, which is “meu (minha; meus; minhas)” - if the question is coming up later, do I really need to type it exactly this way or is Memrise able to understand, if I only type “meu” or “minha” into the text field? :thinking:

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Hi @Kajo76,

In these cases, our tests will normally recognize as a correct answer if you type only what is not within parenthesis.

So, in your example, typing “meu” will be already taken as a right answer. Note, however, that you will need to press enter/ok to submit it, while when you do type the entire/exact answer, the system will automatically recognize it.

Hope this clarifies your question!



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Thanks! :slight_smile:
Then I hope I recall that and don’t use “minha” for “my”, because I suddenly only think of that.

By the way: I saw that a lot of definite/indefinite articles (a/o/uma/um) were left out of Course 1. As some other people in this thread also mentioned it, I guess there could be other courses lacking the articles, too.

Can you take a look when you have time? :slight_smile:

Right now it’s not a problem for me, as I have an Portuguese/English dictionary at hand and could look it up. But I’m thinking about other people coming to Memrise who maybe aren’t aware, that one has to learn the articles, too.

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Hi @Kajo76.

Thanks for your message and sorry for my delay in answering it.

Could you please give me some examples of missing articles in our courses?



No problem :slight_smile:

Just looked through all the words in Portuguese 1:

These are all the words without an article (o/a). The number = level




Also there are some words, which have an indefinite article only (um/uma). These words are missing with their definite article.

um nome
um gênio

uma batata
um legume
uma fruta
uma maçã
uma banana
uma laranja
um limão
um lanche
um ovo

um número
um telefone

um restaurante
uma mesa
um cardápio
uma conta
uma faca
um garfo
uma colher

Or even words like “dia” or “noite”, which aren’t explained directly, because they come in pairs with “bom” or “boa” :slight_smile:

Is there a way to give a little introduction for a course? Maybe about the use of articles (definite/indefinite)? If so, then one only would need to define one article (either definite or indefinite) and it would be clear to learners.

So if a word has the indefinite article “uma” the definite article is (at least most of the time) automatically “a” :slight_smile:

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Hi @Kajo76.

Now I see your point. Thank you!

In fact, as these words already have their audio recorded, it would be hard to redo the whole course. What could be a solution for level 1 is to add, within parenthesis, the definite article for these nouns (like (a) razão; (a) fome; (a) sede, etc.).

It might be helpful to introduce articles and distinguish masculine and feminine nouns, but it would not force learners to use them in their answers (as what is within parenthesis does not need to be input in answers for them to be recognized as correct).

For those with indefinite articles, basically "um" is masculine and "uma" is feminine (i.e., their respective definite articles would be "o" and "a"). Maybe adding a MEM with this brief instruction would be enough.

What do you think? Hope this helps!



I want to learn Brazil (Portuguese) next to Spanish.
Although I already learn Spanish I don’t find a Portuguese course.
Is it dependent on your mother tongue also?
My memrise is set to German.
When will you offer a Portuguese course?