[Course Forum] Beginner's Icelandic by u2622

How are we supposed to guess whether the ‘hi’ we being asked for is hae, or one of the many variants of sael – masculine, feminine, neuter, singular or plural? If a clue is given I can’t see it, and it comes up repeatedly, because whatever you answer, it’s ‘wrong.’

Can you please post a link to this course?

It’s in this course. Beginner’s Icelandic

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Beginner’s Icelandic
Vocabulary and phrases taken from Beginner’s Icelandic (Hilmisdóttir, Kozlowski 2009). Each level repres… | |



By @u2622

@lien or other, could you send an email to @u2622 or/and do the other things?

Thanks, I’ve emailed him.
Can you kindly remind me if we still haven’t heard back by next weekend?

Hi @farmorinthedell,

Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I don’t follow these forums, so sorry for the slow reply.

It looks like the cards do have a “gender” attribute, which also includes singular/plural information, although I see now that that attribute isn’t being shown for a hint. I’ve changed it so that that attribute is now shown.

That still doesn’t really solve whether one must answer “blessaður” or “sæll”. I’ve resolved this by adding alternate answers to each of the cards, so that you can answer whichever one you like.

Let me know if that works!



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Thank you for taking an interest and lending a hand here. I look forward to trying out the improved cues. Take!

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