[Course Forum] Basic Galician (galego) by Baas


Thank you for this Galician course.

I have encountered an error in a sentence in level 3: “O can é grande, pero o gato é pequeño.” It should be: “O can é grande, pero o gato é pequeno.”

The word “pequeno” in Galician is written with a simple “n”, with no tilde.

Thank you.

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Oh, I’ll fix it now. Thanks for your message.

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I think I have found a few more typos:

Level 6

els”: it should be “eles

Level 8

“Aquelas personas non son belgas.”: it should be “Aquelas persoas non son belgas.”

Level 9

“os homes sensibeis”: it should be “os homes sensíbeis” (with an accent)

“os espanois”: it should be “os españois” (ñ with tilde)

Level 11

sensibel”: it should be “sensíbel” (with an accent)

Thank you.

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The words you mentioned have already been fixed. Thanks a lot for your message. :slight_smile:

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