[Course Forum] Arete_Hime's Courses

I am no longer satisfied with these courses, so I have made them “Unlisted.” This means they no longer show up in the course lists, but you can continue to take them if you were already taking them. I’m posting the links here in case someone misplaces them.

I am no longer satisfied with them mostly because I am no longer satisfied with the cedict definitions I’ve used. If you would like to become a contributor let me know.

If you would like me to help you make a course, let me know and I will see what I can do.

If you are more advanced, rather than studying lists of words, I recommend you learn words in context using Pleco, and perhaps http://chinesetextanalyser.com/ I like these programs because they allow you to very easily learn the words in context.

Also see this topic for recommendations:

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Yeah, after all those years I last checked, the courses are still terrible. Pinyin in the same column as definitions? This gives the learner the answer, lmao. And who needs pinyin next to the characters in the others, must be a really lazy learner. And as always, millions of words cluttered into a single level, which kills sense of progress. Haha

@Pope_Pius_IX, we’ve had this discussion before. My reason for doing it like this was to increase the exposure to the right pinyin of the other 7 choices in the MC test. As for why I now no longer recommend the courses, see my original post.

I now recommend reading books and watching TV series and movies with your smartphone or tablet in hand. And on that device have Pleco installed and in Pleco have added the text or subtitles of what you are reading or watching, and a user dictionary you’ve made yourself of the book or movie you are watching. (If someone wants help with that, I’d be glad to help.)

Then you can tap on the text in Pleco, cycle through different dictionaries in the pop up, including the one you made for the content, and with a tap add it to your flashcard list.

I am now watching 《武林外传》 for example. If I come upon 下水道 and decide I don’t know it, I can look at my entry for it. I can see the word is used in 武林外传 4 times, all in episode 15. It is not a very uncommon word as I can see in the frequencies per million of different studies. In subtitles of TV series and movies its frequency is 8.67 per million, on the internet it is 2.53 per million and in news articles it is 2.22 per million. Most importantly, if in the future when I do my reviewing I forget the word, I can look at the line again and that will jog my memory.

下水道 xia4shui3dao4
外传: 4 | CTA: 38 | Subs: 8.67 | Int: 2.53 | News: 2.22

[15:28] 邢:前些日子下雨,翠微山塌方了,山上的泥石流把河道给堵了,河道一堵不要紧,沿岸几个镇的 :heart: 下水道 :heart: 全堵了
[15:201] 邢:疏通 :heart: 下水道 :heart: 的事,刚说到一半。一个大汉,噌的一声,从地底下钻上来了。这紫砂壶不错啊。
[15:211] 白:那个,我们为什么派他去呢,主要是想,疏通 :heart: 下水道 :heart:
[15:236] 村民:我是个轿夫,左家庄的。这不,俺听说这雷老爷啊,通 :heart: 下水道 :heart: 可是一绝啊,专程来请他来了吗。

I have downloaded some 200 Chinese movies. My current project is to gather the subtitles for them, collate them, and make a user dictionary out of that.

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No worries I was just trolling
That’s an excellent idea actually, you sound very passionate. Must be a ton of hard work since subtitle files doesn’t always sit around on their own out there

It’s going to take me a very long time to watch 武林外传 so I will not get to that for a while I think. I should just bite the bullet and find the time to spend half a day or however long it takes to find, say, 50 subtitles.

My dictionaries up till now:

I was actually lucky I found the script for 武林外传 as it is a series I enjoyed watching previously, and the only subtitles I could find for series were for 士兵突击, which doesn’t look like I’ll enjoy, and one for an adaptation of 红楼梦 from the 80s.

Is Lua for web scripting something you learned as a hobby?

No, I don’t know Lua scripting. That’s why I’m using Excel instead, which is a lot more work and a lot slower.