I hope you’re enjoying the course!
However, if you have found any mistakes, or other things that you want to change (like two words with the same definition) then please comment below and I will change it.
I am not a native French speaker, so I would be extremely grateful if a native speaker donated a recording of themselves to help fill in the gaps, and I am willing to provide English audio if you want it.
Hello Jemima,
Are you talking about AQA French GCSE by Immyjen? I am going through the course now. It is very good. It must have taken you a very long time to create. You asked about words that have the same definition. I have come up with a list (French word, English word, and level)
l’immeuble (m) building 9
le bâtiment building 9
de bonne heure early 18
tôt early 18
la carte d’identité ID card 3
la pièce d’identité ID card 7
l’huile oil 1
le pétrole oil 11
le jardin publique park 9
le parc park 9
l’endroit (m) place 7
la place place 9
les ordures rubbish 12
nul rubbish 17
de temps en temps sometimes 18
parfois sometimes 18
le supermarché supermarket 5
la grande surface supermarket 6
l’horaire (m) timetable 7
l’emploi du temps (m) timetable 13
battre to fight 3
lutter to fight 4
laisser to leave 5
quitter to leave 7
se garer to park 6
stationner to park 7
se relaxer to relax 1
se détendre to relax 2
l’office de tourisme (m) tourist information office 7
le syndicat d’initiative tourist information office 7
Best wishes,
Dear Christine,
Sorry, but this course is for the AQA French GCSE Specification Vocabulary by JJ_or_Jemima.
I hope you can contact Immyjen though!
If you put in a link to your course, I will have a look at it. Unfortunately, there are a lot of things that me up under French AQA GCSE Specification.