[Course Forum] Aprendar Estonio by missgondelier

Feel free to add your feedback here. I have emailed missgondelier to invite them to the thread.

Tere päevast = Buenas tardes (el saludo) 12pm-17pm (Something you’ll say when you meet people after noon and before five o’clock)
Head päeva = Buen día (la despedida) (the way to say goodbye before 5pm)
Tere õhtust = buenas tardes, buenas noches
Head õhtut = buena noche (la despedida) ; a way to say goodbye after 5pm
Õhtul = en la tarde 17pm-23pm (in the evening)
Head = buenas, buenos; good
Tere = Hola; Hello

inglés = inglise keel, inglane
español = hispaania keel, hispaanlane

inimene, isik = person
Inimesed, isikud = personas

usted = Teie (capital T)
vosotros, vosotras = teie

Level 2
enseñar =näitama, õpetama
permitir = lubama;
tohtima, võima =poder
esperar = ootama
espera = ta ootab, Te ootate, oota!
llamar = helistama, kutsuma

Level 3
neli - 4
kümme - 10
neliteist - 14
seitseteist - 17

Level 4
SõBrad - amigos
Tort - tarta
Kook - pastel
Värvid - colores

Keegi - alguién
Naine - mujer
Tüdruk; neiu - chica

There us no sign of @missgondolier. She is quite active on the learning site.
It’s been nearly half a year.

I need some help @Lien

Hi @Atikker,
I’m sorry to hear there hasn’t been any progress.
As my initial email to missgondelier didn’t receive a reply, I have re-sent it.
In the meantime, I’ve added you as a contributor to ‘Aprendar Estonio’.