[Course Forum] Amharic Abugida by br.fyodor

This is intended as a private missive to @br.fyodor, but I can’t figure out how to message them. Anyone: If there’s a more effective way for me to provide course feedback, feel free to let me know.

I’m learning your Amharic Abugida course here – Amharic Abugida (ፊደል) - by br.fyodor - Memrise – but after a few flashcards, I get to a quiz question which requires me to be able to type in Amharic:

Please adjust the course settings so that this doesn’t happen! I much prefer being able to select from among several options.

a creator cannot set the same course in different ways for individual users… you’d have to look for a no-typing course

Yes, I know. I doubt there are many users who prefer this configuration, though? I think it might be better to set it globally.

how should I know … it seems the course is there to teach the very syllabary, maybe some users want to type in…? who knows

@csvoss I disagree with you - I like the typing and do not want to just select the correct word. I do not learn the language by viewing it but by typing. And I bet there are more people that are the same like me than you think there are.

Could you offer me advice on how to set up typing in this language? I can’t type the characters with my keyboard setup as-is.

If you are using Windows set it up using Microsoft’s IME. You can find it under Language in the Control Panel, and select your language. If you are MAC, I have no idea. You can also google for an IME in the language you are learning and install that one. I rather like the Google IME for Japanese (that I am learning) better than Microsoft’s IME.

The course creator br.fyodor is no longer active on Memrise. If you like, I can add a virtual Amharic Abugida keyboard to this course?
Not sure which characters it consists of tho, so if someone could help me with the characters, I can insert them into the course.

I do, I know it’s been a long time but I can help.