This is intended as a private missive to @br.fyodor, but I can’t figure out how to message them. Anyone: If there’s a more effective way for me to provide course feedback, feel free to let me know.
I’m learning your Amharic Abugida course here – Amharic Abugida (ፊደል) - by br.fyodor - Memrise – but after a few flashcards, I get to a quiz question which requires me to be able to type in Amharic:
@csvoss I disagree with you - I like the typing and do not want to just select the correct word. I do not learn the language by viewing it but by typing. And I bet there are more people that are the same like me than you think there are.
If you are using Windows set it up using Microsoft’s IME. You can find it under Language in the Control Panel, and select your language. If you are MAC, I have no idea. You can also google for an IME in the language you are learning and install that one. I rather like the Google IME for Japanese (that I am learning) better than Microsoft’s IME.
The course creator br.fyodor is no longer active on Memrise. If you like, I can add a virtual Amharic Abugida keyboard to this course?
Not sure which characters it consists of tho, so if someone could help me with the characters, I can insert them into the course.