[Course Forum] American Sign Language by Diana.S

I just got to lesson 9: how do you feel? And I noticed that the gif for dumb appears to be the same as the one for during. Perhaps this is why it was being marked wrong before. I was choosing the one attached to the word dumb.

Hey, thanks! This has now been fixed.

Memrise doesn’t support video formats, so I actually use GIFs that I’ve made from my videos. This article from Memrise on creating image-based courses gives a great explanation, and you might also like this article from the Memrise wiki. I hope this helps!

Great! Thank you.

In lesson 10, decide and difficult seem to have a similar issue.

Oh man! It should be fixed now. Thanks!

Love these courses, thank you so much! I’m currently taking an ASL class and these have really helped me.
Will there be an ASL 4? :slight_smile:
I’m hoping so! Keep up the great work!

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Hi Diana, thanks for these lessons. I am learning a lot. I’m currently starting ASL2 but it’s not available on the app like ASL1 was. Is there any way this can be fixed?

How strange. As far as I know, course creators aren’t involved in what goes into the Memrise app, but I’ll contact their tech support and see what I can find out. Has anyone else had this problem? When was the last time you updated the app? I know sometimes a course gets shut down if it has an unaddressed error in the content that a learner has contacted Memrise about, so I’ll try to look around the course as well and see if there’s anything that might have thrown things off.

I’ve really been enjoying using your ASL 1 course to refresh my rusty signs, but I’m glad that I already know 90% of them — because for the last few days, every “new” word or phrase presented has come up exactly the same:

I tried to upload photos of YESTERDAY, TODAY, and TOMORROW, but Memrise will only let me share one — rest assured they all look exactly alike. They’re all still photos of the same facial expression, with no hands showing. So it’s a bit difficult to learn new signs that way. :slight_smile:

Is there any way to fix this? I’d like my son to use the course too, but it’s going to be a harder sell when new vocabulary all looks identical to him :slight_smile:


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Hi Keyne, I’m so glad you’ve been enjoying the course! I took a look at Level 17: Time and all of the signs seem to be working for me, even when I’m logged out. Are you still have this issue?

And is anyone else here experiencing the same difficulty?

The problem continues! I wonder if you’re not seeing it because you’re using a desktop browser? I checked using Chrome on my MacBook Pro and I can see the signs there.

But on my iPad (where I use Memrise 95% of the time) and iPhone, all signs are still being introduced as those identical still photos…

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I’m using the app on my phone and the words are working. But I have them already learned. I did notice that if I click on the flower to the left of the animated thumbnail that it opens up the word with the full animation, but if I click on the thumbnail it only shows a still image overlaid on the level list.

Interesting! I’m not finding any clickable fields (except “Continue”) on the “Learn New Word” cards, which look like this:

Yes, there is definitely a problem. I don’t think it’s the course’s fault, but the app’s. I did duplicate your problem.

It appears to not trigger animations during the learning phase. But if you hit continue and then when it gives you four images to choose, they are animated. At least for me. If you choose correctly, it continues to function semi-usably. If you get it wrong, it goes back to the frozen image, but then when it gives you four choices, none of them animate. I found I pretty much had to leave the app, clear it from memory and go back in.

Even after fully learning the words, clicking on the flower still presents a frozen image. (It didn’t before when I responded, because I’m using an older app version on my phone.)

When I was in the vocab list for the level, the thumbnails are animated while small, so you can preview the new words ahead of time, then when you start the lesson, click the continue to pass the first learning card of the words and get to the multiple choice.

There is also a glitch with the thumbnails though. If you tap on the image, it pops up a freeze frame of whatever moment it was showing at the time, but the pop up won’t animate.

Also, once the non-animation starts on learn words or error correction, the app seems to lag. Which is why I also think that it’s the app not the course at fault.

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I’ve been having this error in the iOS app for months on both of the intro-level ASL courses, ASL 1 and Intro to ASL. The gifs don’t work in the learning phase but are fine in the review phase (regardless of whether I have the course downloaded), assuming I can get to the review phase obviously. It’s also worth noting that the courses work fine in my mobile browsers, which is further evidence that the app is just not handling gifs properly even though an ASL course clearly has good reason to include them. It’s been a problem over multiple iOS version too. The app is kind of the only variable left, as far as I can tell.

I swear it was briefly fixed for the span of one version, and then broke again. Has anyone else gone through the formal bug reporting? Did anyone get a reply, or have some other way to know what might be happening in the app to break how gifs load in this specific area?

Is this an error in both the iOS and android apps? I don’t think I saw anyone specify whether they’d tried on android.

I’m going through the first level of your ASL material. There are a couple of cases (Y and a sign I forget at the moment) where you have two copies of the correct answer but one is clearly from a different iteration of the material. They’re both correct, but choosing the one that’s not part of the current version gets marked as incorrect.

Thanks for these decks by the way, they’re great!

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Hi @TomasChava, I’m glad you like the course! Thank you for letting me know about this problem, and sorry for the delayed response. I’m still getting used to the recent changes to Memrise/Decks. Do you remember what the other sign was that has a duplicate answer or which level it was in?


@Diana.S , J is also a sign that has a duplicate, I also like your course! Also, where did you learn to do sign language. Also do you think you could make a course or video on how to finger-spell and sign faster, I'd appreciate it!

(Insert Thank you sign here)

Continuing the discussion from [Course Forum] American Sign Language by Diana.S:

Could you help me out? I can’t figure out how to add a video to a new memrise course. It has a place for a definition or a picture but wont let me put a video on. How did you put video in your courses?

(First of all I absolutely love your courses!!) I’ve noticed that in ASL 3 the “during” signs are still doubled and marking as wrong answers :frowning:

And I went through ASL 1&2 for the fun of it, and ASL 1 is missing the “Points” 3, 8, 12 and 21 & ASL 2 is missing 4, 10, and 20 on the app version!

(I’ve already sent feedback to Memrise, but wasn’t sure if someone’s posted before, or if the multimedia can even load on the app!)