[Course Forum] American Sign Language by Diana.S

Hi everyone,

I apologize for not responding earlier; our little one decided to show up a
month early! I will definitely keep you all updated on the course
progression when we are settled again at home. I’m happy to hear about the
extra learning and teaching going on; keep up the enthusiasm for this
awesome language!



@Diana.S ~ Congratulations to mother, father and child. (Son or daughter ?)

Coursework can wait, parenthood takes precedence every time.

Blessings to your newly expanded household ! :pray: :baby: :heart:

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Hi everyone,

So, A while ago (like, 2 years ago) there was an American Sign Language 3 course publicly listed by Diana.S, which I had completed. I remember a few of the gifs were missing, but most of the course was complete. The missing gifs were due to some glitch or something, so Diana.S decided to unlist the course from public search results, however, the course still showed up in my courses list, so I could still review all of the parts of the course that were functional. Anywho… I went to “restart” the course under the options button and accidentally clicked the “quit” button. >~< I know that having a direct url will take me to the course… but I never saved it. D’x

So my question is… Does anyone here happen to have the link/url to the (incomplete) American Sign Language 3 course from Diana.S?

It should look something like:
…with the “???”'s being numbers. ;D

Thanks in advance guys!

I absolutely loved your courses and literally bough the app just for it. I’ve been wanting to learn sign language for some time because I’m studying Psychology and there’s going to be deaf people in my care sooner or later. I’m actually from a Latin American country, Paraguay, we speak Spanish here so I’d like to ask you if you know any sign languages we could use here. I’m completely willing to pay for a course of yours about it :slight_smile:

I love the gifts you made because of how clear they are, I finished the ASL1 and ASL2 courses already and I’m starting the Seasonal today, but I feel a little sad that that is the last one from you, I’ve seen other courses but they use images instead of gifs, yours are the best in Memrise because of that, in my opinion.

Also, if there’s any way to support you monetarily, or buy any other courses you may have created in other places, I’m in for it, I really appreaciate your work and it’s been a joyful, wonderful experience learning with your courses.

My last wish today is that you, please, create or recommend a course that I can use in Latin America.

With love :slight_smile:

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Hi! I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed my courses! I love to hear what learners think of them. I do hope to finish ASL 3 as soon as time and energy allow. International Week of the Deaf is coming up, so now would be a good time for me to get on that! It would be awesome to monetize my courses somehow, but at the moment I’m not aware of any convenient ways to do that. It’s good to know there’s interest, though!

Unfortunately, I’m not familiar with Paraguayan Sign Language (or Lengua de Señas del Paraguay [LSPY]). That would be a great skill to have in your field, though. I imagine it’s difficult for Deaf people to receive mental health care in their native language. I haven’t been able to find additional LSPY resources with my basic searches, but there might be Deaf associations where you live that could help you get started. Sometimes universities, libraries, or churches offer sign language classes here in the States; maybe there are similar opportunities there? I’ll let you know if I come across anything useful!


If you put up a Patreon.com account, I’m in! :smile: There are institutes here that teach Paraguayan Sign Language, but my schedule is pretty messy and I can’t compromise to go to regular presential classes, that’s why I loved Memrise so much, I can study whenever I find time. But anyway, for now ASL is perfect still! I just though I might ask :slight_smile:
Thank you for all the work you do! Can’t imagine how much work it has to involve

I’m trying to figure out how to make the videos load better. ASL 1 & 2 have always used the default testing direction, “Test on ASL, prompt with English.” If I make ASL 3 “Test on English, prompt with ASL,” would that mean that the course would show only one video at a time, and the options would all be English? I think that might make the videos load more easily (since there would only be one per page), but when I go through ASL 1 & 2 as a learner, it seems to me like it uses both testing directions; sometimes it asks me the meaning for a sign, and sometimes it asks me the sign for a given meaning. Can anyone enlighten me on this? Thanks!

Oh, and thanks! It’s a boy! We’re so grateful he’s happy and healthy despite being born pre-term. Hopefully I can share a video of him signing someday! :slight_smile:


Okay everybody, at the close of International Week of the Deaf 2017, I’m pleased to announce that ASL 3 is now published!

In the coming weeks, I’ll be sprucing it up with explanatory multimedia levels, a course image, etc., but there should be enough there to keep you busy for a while. :slight_smile: Enjoy!


Multiple times during a review session, including the repetitions following a wrong answer, two images of the word DURING are offered and one is marked wrong.

Huh, that’s weird. Thanks for letting me know! I’ll look into it.

@Diana.S, this might be due to a long-standing issue with Memrise. There is a very long discussion on the problem here and a script to fix the problem here.

Yeah, I do a lot of picture courses and I have that problem all the time :frowning:

Overall I like the courses and I’m actually learning…but I found ASL2 very hard to see on the App particularly the numbers (maybe its the black background). Had to give that course up and go to ASL3 which is much more visible for me. Would love to see some of those hard to see ones redone. Keep up the good work.

Thanks for the feedback! I actually thought the same thing, so I re-filmed ASL 1 & 2 with the white background and will update the courses as soon as I’m done editing the videos and making the GIFs.

Also, for everyone: I was wondering why ASL 3 had fewer words than ASL 2, and I realized that there were more video files lurking on my computer! I will add the new words as soon as I figure out how I want to re-organize the course levels.

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How did you add videos to your lessons? I would love to create a course with my own students in my class. I cannot find any answers that help me. Thanks!

I just got to lesson 9: how do you feel? And I noticed that the gif for dumb appears to be the same as the one for during. Perhaps this is why it was being marked wrong before. I was choosing the one attached to the word dumb.

Hey, thanks! This has now been fixed.

Memrise doesn’t support video formats, so I actually use GIFs that I’ve made from my videos. This article from Memrise on creating image-based courses gives a great explanation, and you might also like this article from the Memrise wiki. I hope this helps!

Great! Thank you.

In lesson 10, decide and difficult seem to have a similar issue.