[Course Forum] Allemand 1-7 by Memrise (German for French speakers)

I repost here, because I was not in the good section.

In the 1st level section 6 "qu’est-ce que tu aimes?"
Ich mag Tee und Kafee
“Je aim thé et café” is not correct even for a litteral translation.
“Je aime thé et café” would be correct.

"wie heißt du?" is translate “comment tu t’appelles ?”, it is not exactly wrong
but “comment t’appelles-tu?” would be better, even in spoken language.

Ich bin Amerikaner or Engländer is not very useful for a french.

It could be interesting to have the possibility to propose a correction in the application.

Anyway, thanks for all this work.

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On Allemand 1 section 10
"kühl" is translate “cool”, it is an english translation, in french it will be “frais”, and “cool” in french is only use in a “slang” way, like in “hey, it’s cool man”, not about temperature.
It is a big mistake.
Kühl, Kalt > cool, cold > frais, froid

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Always on the section 10.
“Groß” is translate “gros, grand”, “grand” is correct, but “gros”? “gros” is “dick”.
And “kurz” is translate “petit (personne)”, but should be translate “court”.

I am a little bit disappointed, I was hopping that I have found a good app. I like the system to learn, but I don’t want to learn incorrect german.

And I don’t know if anybody from Memrise is reading that…

Yes they do, now and then @mario2189 should come round. I think the app is good enough to learn but you need to complete it with other tools anyway. What you highlighted is correct, the translation from the English course to the French lets the course down sometime.

Well, my companion and our daughter both speaks german together at home, I learned german for years at school, but I was very bad and I didn’t practise, now I need vocabulary, all this little words to construct a sentence, I forget everything.

I really like the repetition system on Memrise, I hope it will be optimised, with less errors.

Thanks for flagging these things. We’ve just changed “cool” to “frais” and added “court” to “kurz” after consulting with the French language specialist. I hope the course works a little better now. If you don’t see the changes, log out and back in again.
Thanks and kind regards,

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Cool, thanks again @mario2189.
Just to be precise “kurz” means “court”, it is not just another meaning. It doesn’t means “petit (personne)”.

Also I reported “groß”, it doesn’t means “gros” but only “grand”. As in “Ich bin 1.76 m groß”.
So, on Allemand 1 section 11 : “ich finde es zu groß” is translated “je trouve que c’est trop gros”, it is incorrect, it should be “je trouve que c’est trop grand”.

Also “das ist schön” is translated “c’est bon”, it should be “c’est beau”/“c’est bien” (danke shön > merci bien, merci beaucoup, pas “merci bon”). But we already have “bien” > “gut”, and “sehr gut” means “très bien”, but also “très bon”>“Kaffee ist sehr gut”. The meaning changes a bit with the context, it is not easy I must admit. Maybe it could be interesting to have a look at the etymology, as @sircemloud sayed about glücklich, that means “content”, but also “chanceux”.

A last one “was denkst du?” is translated “qu’est-ce que tu penses?” it should be “qu’en penses-tu?”. “Qu’est-ce que tu penses?” could works like that: “qu’est-ce que tu en penses?” or “qu’est-ce que tu penses de ça?” but it’s very long. In fact I hear “qu’est-ce que tu penses?” with an english accent and it’s close from “what do you think?”. In french there will be “à quoi tu penses?”, it is informal but widely use, meanings “what are you thinking about?” or in a way “a penny for your thoughts”.

I hope it will helps.
Best regards

PS: I see the changes you talk about on the site but not on my mobile app.

Hi again,

after consulting with our French specialist again, I’ve made changes as follows:

“kurz” --> “court” (got rid of “petit (personne)”)
“ich finde es zu groß” --> “je trouve que c’est trop grand”
“das ist schön” --> “c’est bien”
“was denkst du?” --> "“qu’est-ce que tu en penses ?”

These were very helpful comments, thanks a lot for your feedback!

Kind regards,

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@AugustinerExport, Mario means for the app.

Great, thank you @mario2189 .
Take notice though that as it is said in section 10 “schön” first meaning is “beau” so “das ist schön” in first, means “c’est beau” and then depending of the context, the meaning could change.

@sircemloud yes, thank you, I finally found how to log out from the app.

I am on Allemand 2 section 1.
So, in Allemand 1 I saw “super”>“génial”, and now we have “großartig”>“super”.

Why not having: “super”>“super”, “genial”>“génial” and “großartig”>“formidable”.

“Viel”>“beaucoup; bon”, “bon”? I think this is not correct. And ok “viel Glück” means “bonne chance” but it says in fact "[je vous souhaite] beaucoup de chance"
Could be better to have “viel”>“beaucoup” and “zu viel”>“trop”


Allemand 2
"irgendwelche" is translate “du; de (questions)”, I don’t understand the idea.
Maybe we have to know first “irgend”>“n’importe” and “welch/welche”>“quel/quelle”.
“irgendwelche” is translate “aucun/aucune; moindre; quelconque; n’importe quel(le)”, I guess it is the kind of word difficult to translate without context but “du; de” doesn’t seems correct. And maybe it is not so much a basic german word.

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Hi @AugustinerExport,

Thanks again for your constructive remarks and apologies for taking this long to answer.
Regarding “irgendwelche”, which conveys a similar idea to the English ‘some’ or ‘any’, there is no equivalent in French carrying this nuance in questions and this is why it would be translated as ‘du’ (or ‘des’) – although it will be necessary to translate this term into ‘n’importe quel/les; quelques; etc…’ when the context requires it, probably in another level.
The translation for ‘viel Glück’ has now been corrected into ‘bonne chance’ and ‘super’ into ‘super’.
For ‘großartig’ we have chosen the translation ‘génial’, on the basis of how commonly these equivalent words are used and how to convey the message in the best way, rather than in the most literal way.

I hope this makes sense, and thanks again for your comments.

Hello memrise comunity,

I have a question regarding this german sentence: “Wir sind nicht der gleichen Meinung”.

If “Meinung” is feminine, why isn’t it “Wir sind nicht die gleichen Meinung”?

This sentence is in Level 5 of German 6, by Memrise.

Best regards,

hello @joelmelao, I understand your confusion but here, in the German approach, there is the idea of belonging, that’s why it is genitive and not accusative.

“We are not of the same idea” would be a more litteral translation.

Just moving this post from the Decks forum.

@linh.vu; @fanny_sta

has this problem been dealt with already?

Hey. I have no idea since I haven’t been using memrise for some time.

No worries, I was asking the memrise staff members anyway, not you in particular :slight_smile:

But thanks for checking in and for pointing out the problem in the first place. Other users will be grateful when this gets fixed.

Yes, they’ve been dealt with now (some of them have been resolved earlier, but somehow “génial” must have slipped through our fingers despite us having said that we’d change it). So “super” is “super” now, and “das Date” is translated as “le rendez-vous (amoureux)”. Please log out and back in to see the update :slight_smile:

Happy learning!
Linh & Fanny

In the “Allemand 7” course, “die Forschung” is translated to “la rechercher” rather than “la recherche”.