Level 19 " Abastecendo seu vocabulário: Falando de esportes"
Error: der Turner; die Turnerin = a academia (der Turner; die Turnerin = academy, fitness studio)
Correction: der Turner; die Turnerin = o ginasta, a ginasta (der Turner; die Turnerin = the gymnast)
Level 27 “Frases: Vamos inspirá-los!”
Error: danken = a faixa; o trilho (danken = track)
Correction: danken = agradecer (danken = to thank, to say thanks)
Correct examples in Memrise for danken:
ich kann dir nicht genug danken = eu não tenho como agradecê-lo o suficiente (I can not thank you enough)
nichts zu danken = de nada (nothing to thank for).
These requests had unfortunately landed in the Decks forum. I am in the process of moving posts that belong in the forums for the official memrise courses for German from the Decks forum. Is there someone who looks after the Brazilian Portuguese side of things on the memrise team right now?
Thank you for flagging this! You’re right, we’ll need @IgCostaBR to review these, so we will contact him again separately. About your idea to have a list of people working at Memrise and their areas of expertise, I’m happy to have this discussed within the team
We’ll reply here again once the above issues have been resolved or discussed.