[Course Forum] Advanced Spanish by RabbitWho

@xvg11 - that’s a good point.

Both “speakers” on http://www.fromtexttospeech.com/ use an Iberian Spanish accent, that might be a good alternative.

You don’t pay for my course, you pay for some extra features from Memrise, the course I put up is completely free and I don’t get paid for it.

That’s great Mona, what we need is a native speaker to record all the phrases, and someone who isn’t mischievous, because there is no way to give them permission to add phrases without also giving them permission to delete the entire course and everyone’s saved progress.

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Xvg11 when I made the course there was only one Spanish category. “Spanish”. My course is neither. There are words that are used on both sides of the Atlantic and there are accents from dozens of countries. If words are known to have different meanings in different countries it is always mentioned. It is definitely NOT a Spanish (Spain) course, it must have gotten categorized automatically. Humph! What a pity. If I had to pick one it would be Latin American Spanish, but I don’t see any reason to pick seeing as how all the words should work everywhere.

If you pay me I will pay him. I have invested countless of hours in this for free. I will be very happy if you are willing to pay us. Thank you for your generous spirit.

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Why are they calling it Castilian / Spain anyway… the Spanish spoken in Mexico and Argentina etc. is also Castilian… Castilian is a word used to contrast Spanish with Galician / Basque / Catalan etc. Not to contrast different types of Castilian / Spanish! The world is so mad! Mad! She expects me to pay him to do a tiny tiny fraction of the work I did for free! Donald Trump got elected! There are kittens WHO NOBODY WANTS! Kittens!


I’m a member so I pay.
If you want to maybe I can help you for free.

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I am going to make a new page for reporting errors because this one has gone off topic. We can continue discussing the course here. Make sure to @ me so I see it

I wrote a response but it disappeared because this is a badly coded piece of… anyway.

You don’t pay for my course, my course is free. You pay for some extra features from memrise.

Thank you for your offer to help, what we need is a native speaker who can record all the phrases.

I can help you with the Norwegian course

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Mona you are still under the impression I work for Memrise. I do not. I am a user like you who has created a course for free. Most of the courses on Memrise are made by users, not Memrise or its employees. Personally I have made courses in Spanish and Portuguese. If you go to the Norwegian forums you can find users there who made Norwegian forums and who need help, and “pay it forward” so to speak :slight_smile:

I see.
Yes you was right I thought that you worked for Memrise

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Hi RabbitWho,
thanks for the excellent course. Spotted a typo in the English part: Level 93 descarriado should be wayward (not wayword) I think. (not a native speaker of English, so that got me confused …)


Thanks , Foorgol! I fixed the mistake and added an audio file.

Could you please change the attribut for “to fall ill” (caer en cama) to phrase instead of verb?

Done! :slight_smile:

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