Good evening @amanda-norrsken and thanks for the feedback.
an DEN Rand drängen
Fixed. Well spotted! This was a typo in the original course.
I’ve updated the translation as follows:
‘to make sense; become evident, apparent’
I didn’t like the original translation ‘to be clear’ because of its obvious ambiguity, so that one’s gone. And I’ve stuck with the ‘evident/apparent’ translation (in addition to your valid suggestion) because I have found several examples where einleuchten could be understood as such, e.g.:
‘Daher sollte es uns einleuchten, daß die Mitgliedstaaten der Union mit verbesserter Energie-Effizienz imstande wären…’
die Sache erledigen
I’ve updated the translation as follows:
to take care of something, settle the matter
Again, I’ve added your valid suggestion but kept mine as a second alternative as I found several (admittedly more technical) examples where the latter fits better, e.g.:
Sollte dies zu einer Einigung der Beteiligten führen, kann der Notar diese Vereinbarung unmittelbar beurkunden und damit die Sache erledigen.
Now, how does that look?
Have a great weekend.