[Course Forum] Advanced French reading vocabulary by @miaomiaopurr

en vrac: only the figurative meaning is given

en vrac means in fact “bulk goods”, “loose” (goods, merchandise) ezc


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Thanks for the correction! It should be fixed now.

many thanks!!! may I add [Course Forum] in the title of the thread?

btw: clocher = 1. (ne pas aller) to be wrong 2. to (put under a) cloche Larousse dit la “horticulture”, pas "cuisine"
and “maille” is EN “mesh”

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Yes, I would appreciate that! :slight_smile:

I have made modifications to the other two entries you pointed out. Thank you again!

done! now you can add the link to the forum in the course description :slight_smile:


Also done! It occurred to me I should also link to the course here.


probably the shorter versions functions as well: http://community.memrise.com/t/18218

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Thank you! that looks better.

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And thanks for this course!

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You are welcome! I am glad others are finding it useful! :slight_smile:

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étourdiment = thoughtlessly, carelessly, foolishly, from étourdi = thoughtless, careless

many thanks!

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fixed! thank you.


embêter and taquiner are not synonyms. Thanks

I get this isn’t the right forum/language, but I was wondering if you were still going to make that Ronja course, @miaomiaopurr.

fixed! thanks!

Yes! I hope to pick up my pace with it soon and maybe have a good chunk of it up within a couple weeks.

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Awesome! No worries about the rush, still working on your HP course :grin:

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:slight_smile: That makes me happy!

Any advice or preferences for number of entries per level? Shorter, like 15 words, or longer like the HP course (40 or so per level)? I’m having indecision issues…

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I like to make courses at 15 a level, like you have for this GoT French one. You might ask in the HP forum to get a second opinion, but from Memrisers I’ve spoken to, most like the 15 format!


Good to know! 15 is what I have been gravitating to these days too.

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