[Course Forum] Advanced English (C1, C2) by csaba.olah.942

Hi, theres an error in ‘acoercion’
It was fun to find articles in the course one day but the phrase ‘to be puffing’ …looks a bit strange here?

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Hello! I think adding articles before the word will help a lot but there is an inconsistency with the audios. For example, you have the entry ‘a gig’ but when the audio is played it says ‘gig’, so when you write it, it is considered wrong because you missed the article that was never mention in the audio. I don’t know if it’s something easy to solve (I know you are already busy changing everything) but it’s a bit of a headache.
Thanks for all the work you are doing!

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Cheers! I’ve fixed the typo.

Why? This relates to smoking without actually inhaling.

Yes, this is somewhat inconsistent. The thing is that I would have to find and/or re-record all audio files. I do think that if you keep in mind that all verbs are to be prefixed with "to " and all nouns with "a(n) " it will always work. I’ve seen and am working on other courses where they have the exact same behaviour and I got used to doing this very quickly, simply because you’ll always know what you have to do/answer.

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Hallo all,
I am studying the course “Advanced English” and I want to draw attentiion of the course developers to some bugs.

  1. Sometimes (when passing quick tests) the application offers to select an answer from duplicate variants. Of course, I often choose “incorrect” answer.
  2. Some questions contradict grammatically with the right answer (for example, the question refers to a verb while the answer is a noun. It disorientates. (I dropped the screenshot because there is a limitation here)
  3. When selecting an answer in quick test using the keyboard, the focus relocates on another answer at the time of pressing “Enter.” It irritates ((
    Best Regards, Yuri
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The problem with these duplicates (I’ve seen them only in community created courses) is very likely caused by phantom entries. That said, only the course creators can remove such problems.

Edit: the text below has originally been posted on a different thread and has then been moved here. Left for context.
Many courses have their own thread here on the forum. You find these by searching for"[course forum] name", for yours I could find this thread. I suggest you re-post there to let the course creators/contributors know about the problems so that they can fix them.

P.S.: Note that the linke course’s name is actually “Advanced English Vocabulary”, so it might actually not be your course if you typed the complete name.

Thank you, Olaf. Actually, the course is “Advanced English (C1, C2)”. I agree that most bugs are introduced by course developers.

Edit: the text below has originally been posted on a different thread and has then been moved here. Left for context.
[quote=“yshindin, post:3, topic:36995”]
Actually, the course is “Advanced English (C1, C2)”.

Well, the good news is that there is a thread for this course as well. Go here. I’m working on that course as well, so I’ll stroll along. :slight_smile:

One more (booby trap)

May be, I do not unerstand the difference?

No, you were perfectly right - there was two entries for “a booby trap”. I’ve merged the two now - thanks for letting me know.

Edit: the text below has originally been posted on a different thread and has then been moved here. Left for context.
One thing: should you encounter anything else or just want to discuss the course’s contents, please post in the course thread!

I don’t have sufficient privileges to move your and my posting, @alanh or @amanda-norrsken - could you be so kind to move these for me?

Duplicate post content deleted.

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Moved as requested, although this will affect the date order of the posts in that thread.

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Hi @yshindin!

I have merged three versions of infatuated/infatuation
If you encountered further duplicates, please post them here and I’ll take care of them.

Cheers @alanh! :smiley:

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Thank you, Olaf.
Regards, Yuri

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I don’t know if it would be a problem. We have the exact same word “bound to be” in level 19 “271-285” and level 75 “1381-1400”.

Hello @Almark.L and welcome to the forums!

No, this shouldn’t be much of a problem. Usually, Memrise will realize that you’ve already learned that word. However, since this is a pretty comprehensive course, I’ve removed the entry in level 75 now.

Thanks for reporting this!

Thanks for creating this great course.
I was wondering if learning these words helps with the IELTS or TOEFL exam as well?
Or should I take a more specified course?

Hi @narges_sh and welcome to the forum!

No, the course has no reference to IELTS or TOEFL. Most of the vocab contained is well beyond C2, so I doubt that you’d see much of it in official tests. But that is my personal assumption - I am not the course’s creator but rather took it over as the author is no longer around. I thus have no idea about the author’s original intention.

That said, I’d recommend to look for a better match. Here’s a search for IELTS-courses and here’s a search for TOEFL-courses.

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