[Course Forum] Advanced English (C1, C2) by csaba.olah.942

Due to the change of Memrise forums - here is the place to leave feedback for the course and drop us some lines. Just for the reference - the course is this one: http://www.memrise.com/course/11682/advanced-english-c1-c2/


I’m not certain if you will indeed read the criticism, but whatever:

Thus far I’ve encountered two expressions that I’m not sure are correct: “How are you fixed with money?” It should be “How are you fixed for money?”.

The other one is “in hot”; could you provide a reference where the phrase is used with the meaning “weapons are set to fire OR at very fast speeds, or in a reckless manner”?

Thank you in advance.

  1. Fixed, thanks!

  2. “in hot”: that’s a reference to the “Go Weapons Hot” military command.

P.S. Why do you think I’m not able to read the criticism?

Why do you think I’m not able to read the criticism?

The thread wasn’t made recently, that’s why. I apologize if it led you to some other interpretation.

Thank you for the time you took to reply to my message!

Nonetheless, I believe the entry “in hot” ought to be improved or deleted.

I have several more complaints:

Could you provide the alternative “rub off” to the entry “to rub off” (because it’s not consistent throughout the course, some verbs are written in their full infinitive form and some do not follow that fashion. The same with “a tip-off” and “tip-off”.

Furthermore, could you add the alternative to “flee”, “hightail it”, because they can be synonymous in that meaning, and both are taught in the course.

Also if you’d add another meaning to ‘pederasty’; namely, it could be a man that engages in such activities.

“Copy a transmission” entry is redundant when there is already (belonging to the same level) the entry “copy that”.

Fix the definitions of ‘beacon’ and the entry “be entrusted”, it simply doesn’t make sense for them to be written like that. Also ‘beat’ should be defined as “to be better than”, if that is what you meant.

“Research into” with the definition “research about” is quite easy to guess, so I’m not sure if it’s appropriate, maybe if you put it in other words.

Remove the other meaning of “to wind up”, that is the British one because it’s useless that way, it’s in no way connected to “ending up” or summat, and it’s not consistent throughout the course to add other meanings to entries.

I believe the course can dispense with ‘PX’ and ‘OTG’ as well.

Thank you in advance.

Edit: Also, if you’d like, I could provide you with a list of words, definitions, example sentences, and audios that I believe are somewhat advanced but also used in everyday speech. (The definitions, etc. are from dictionaries and not self-concocted.) The words aren’t specific to any jargon or area of expertise. Just a suggestion.

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Is this mainly British English or American English? Thanks!!

Sorry for the late answer - I was in vacation.
Thank you a lot for your corrections! I’ve done most of them, except removing items. Please check the results and complain more if needed :slight_smile:

I could provide you with a list of words, definitions, example sentences, and audios that I believe are somewhat advanced but also used in everyday speech.

I’d very appreciate that, I have that list too, but not yet enough time to make it usable for uploading here.

@Tutipertutti I think it’s mostly universal one, there are some British only words/phrases though. If your eye catch a BE/AE specific phrase without mentioning it - please list it here. Thank you!

In the sentence: “How are you fixed for money?” the sound is still: “how are you fixed with money?”

It is confusing to hear one thing and write another, can you fix it please?



I would like to know if there is a textbook for this course or if there is a pdf file for the world,meaning and the examples.

@smartreading - No, it’s not available.

@CHoecker: Thanks, will disable audio for this phrase

A draft card is probably specific to the United States. In BE “drafting” is called “conscription”.
Licorice is spelled “liquorice” in BE.

“Spray-on trousers” is probably not used in AE.

Hello, It’d be interesting to hear of the gathering process of these words. Why these words and why are they considered C1 and C2 level? Thanks!

This criticism goes to all words and expressions: Some of them requires “a/an”, “the”, and “to”, whereas others do not. Sometimes using “a/an”, “the”, and “to” is wrong; sometimes it is mandatory. It would be nice to have a pattern or having all forms accepted.

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I’d like this course be devided in sections of 350 words. e.g. Advanced 1, advanced 2, advanced 3, advanced 4 
etc. Even I am not in the middle of the course, and it’s very traumatic to make the reviews, too many words

I am a Pro member and have a problem in my upper-intermediate English course, there is no sound in the listening practice skills. They appear as a red icons and get the error . this problem appears in all words and only in this course. I tried to fix this problem by different methods as it shown in the help section but no result !
Please help me to fix this problem.
Thank you.

“Clap and cheer for him” is associated with two different expression in this course: 1) “have a big hand for” and; 2) “let’s hear it for him”. Could you change the leading expression? As it is today, we never know which of the two meaning for “clap and cheer for him” is being asked.


Hello, is this course still in progress?

In level 2 the Vocabulary polka-dotted should have an alternative option polka dotted. The latter spelling is actually more common. But it should definitely be accepted as correct answer.

That’s unfortunately still an issue.

@OP: Are you still working on this course? I hope so, since it seems to be a great resource for learning English.

I agree, that’s why I moved to another course after the first 10 words.
unfortunately this course seems not to be attended anymore,