[Course Forum] A Primer of Ecclesiastical Latin

This is the course forum for A Primer of Ecclesiastical Latin by John F Collins. Course can be found here.


@bpascal Hi, thanks for creating the course, as well as the course forum. I have a question for you. Is most of the vocabulary taken from the Vulgate bible? Also, could you list the main sources from which the vocabulary is taken?


The vocabulary is from the book “A Primer of Ecclesiastical Latin” by John F. Collins. Incidentally I am not the creator of the course, I just help maintain it. Someone else maintained it after that, and I agreed to help maintain after him.

— [email protected] wrote:

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Sorry I didn’t completely answer the question. The vocabulary in the book is taken from the works of Jerome and Ambrose.


I am enjoying the course but there seems to be something wrong with ‘pax, pacis (f.)’, which means that in both the android and iphone apps at least, it is recorded as wrong and therefore gets stuck in difficult words. I have no idea why.



Hi, thanks for the course!

A couple of words are causing me problems with the way the end up in multiple choice exercises.

vestis, vestis (f.) in level 69 is defined as "garment, clothing"
vestimentum, vestimenti (n.) in level 85 is defined as “garment, (pl.) clothes”

And, probably because Memrise likes to create the most challenging set of multiple choice options possible, vestis and vestimentum very frequently occur as two possible answers for, I think, either of the English translations. Obviously it’s nearly impossible to remember which very slightly different translation goes to which Latin word. Maybe this can be solved by having multiple translations? Don’t know how these things are handled, but I know other courses manage to deal with translation of synonyms in some way.

Hello everybody,

First of all, I want to thank everybody who participated for creating the course. Then, because sometimes I have trouble reviewing the exercises correctly, I wanted to ask whether there is a reason that many of the verbs (for example: posco, poscere, poposci). Was the participium not in use for these verbs, or is there another reason wherefore they are missing.

Would it be possible to obtain the raw data files for this course? If so, I can provide an email.

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Does anyone know how the levels correspond to the units in the book? There seems to be way more vocabulary here than is in Collins?

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The course was originally created to correspond with the chapters in the book. Other contributors have since added or modified the course.

If the principle part is missing, then it either didn’t exist or we don’t have an extant use of it.

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Hi! I’m new and I just signed up for the Ecclesiastical Latin course. Is it me or is there no “audio” in this course???

@abrown5540, that’s possible. Because just a hand of people actually speak the professional Latin and others just speak a distracted verse. It’s very complicated to speak Latin and that’s why on (normal) schools and in books won’t come the professional form. However some people might me able to teach you some Latin, My teacher can knows a little but doesn’t master it she does Latin for 5 years as a teacher by now. So it might take you a while to learn the professional statement. But maybe you could ask the maker of this course to ad audio even tho it isn’t the original, it’s always nice to listen to a word and by knowing how you speak it you might be able to learn the words faster

I’m having an issue where I type in the word correctly but it brings up an error. This is happening for all words I have attempted

Are you typing all the forms? eg. for nouns you have to type both the nominative and genitive form

Hi, is there a way for you to make the typing tests optional for this course?

I do not see a way to make it optional. It’s either enabled or not. If anyone knows of a way to make it optional please reply.

Is there a way we can contribute audio (perhaps an email where we can send you audio snippets of words?)? I’m learning Church Latin as well as the three other major romance languages, and I would be happy to help out