[Course Forum] 800 phrasal verbs with audio, examples and photos

Hello there, I´ve created this thread just in case you find any error or issue within the course that I could fix, I would be glad if you give me some feedback so we can improve the course and benefit together, happy learning! :grinning:

¿what do you think about the course?

  • i truly love it :heart_eyes:
  • i like it :smiley:
  • good, but it has to improve :relieved:
  • bad course :tired_face:

0 voters

800 phrasal verbs with audio, examples and photos
The most complete list to learn phrasal verbs, with images, audio and translated examples. Are you up for the challenge? La lista más completa para aprender los phrasal verbs con imágenes, audio y ejemplos traducidos. ¿Serás capaz?

Can you add a link so i can see it

1 Like

of course, I forgot it