[Course Forum] 8,000+ Most Common Swedish Words - part 1

Another pair that just showed up in the same review for me - nyss och nyligen. Both are ‘recently’. Thanks!

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I will look into this right away!

These are the new versions, I hope you like them!


Hello! Thanks for this wonderful course which I’ve enjoyed tremendously over the past few days.
Unfortunately I’m now stuck with one expression which I can’t enter the correct answer despite my best efforts.

The correct answer gets rejected and can’t study any new words since I always get this expression back as “One new word to learn”.
Please kindly advise, best

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Hi there Jan,

First of all, I am very happy to hear that you are enjoying the course so much! You have been top of my leaderboard for that course for the last few days, so you must have been working really hard. I tip my hat to you!

To your query on “antingen … eller”. I will have a look and see if I can add in more options for the spelling so that your option is accepted. That must be annoying. :frowning:

If you notice anything else that seems odd, please let me know! The forums are - sadly - not that well frequented, so it is always good to hear from an active memriser :smiley:

All the best and tack så mycket!


Ah, I think I found what the problem might have been caused by!

I had written “antingen…eller” - i.e. with no gaps between the dots and the actual words - and that must have confused the computer programme.

I have no separated the words and dots out so hopefully that will be easier for the computers to understand :slight_smile:

Let me know if it helps!

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Hi Amanda,
thanks for getting back to me so quickly and trying to fix this little
Unfortunately the right answer is still not being accepted as such …
Could you check once more when you have a chance?
Thanks so much again, best

Have you reloaded the course? I made some changes recently and was getting frustrated because they weren’t visible, but it wasn’t until I reloaded the page that the new changes appeared.

Hi Amanda,
I saw that you merged all the courses into one.
I’ll let you know if there are any more troublemakers among the 8000 words
Thanks again for all your efforts, happy holidays, best

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Well, they’re not merged as such, they are still separate courses, actually. I have just tried to make it clear that there are four parts to the course. So many people had started the 8,000 words course expecting it to actually contain 8,000 words, so it seemed like a good idea to rename them to avoid confusion.

So, until I can work out how to rename this forum, you can still post here to let me know if you find anything that needs changing in the course formerly known as “3,000 words” :wink:

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Hi there,

I noticed a mistake in Part 1, Lesson 20:

att andra / to put forward, to set forth

The frequency list has att ändra at this spot (563).

att ändra / to change (something)

att andra is an archaic word and should probably not be included in the course.

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Thanks so much!

That verb “att andra” has annoyed me ever since I started doing this course! Now I know why it isn’t supposed to be there…

I really need to print out the frequency list so I can double check a few other things I have noticed. It is just sooo long!!!

Please report any other strange things you notice; this will help to make the course even better :wink:

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Hi Amanda!

Some other things I’ve wondered about:

  1. What if the verb cards would accept answers without the att? There’s nothing to remember there, and being able to leave it out would speed up review a little bit.
  • Would it be a good idea to always accept all gender forms of adjectives? Or at least the en and ett? I know I’ve been tripped up by hel a couple of times.
  • What about noun declension and verb conjugation? Irregular verbs are self-contained enough that a separate course is a better approach, but I feel like learning the declension and conjugation classes could be a good idea.
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Here’s another one, in Part 1 on level 19:

rått / rough

on the frequency list it’s rätt (530).

rätt adj. / right, correct

rått as an adverb meaning roughly or brutally isn’t on the frequency list. The adjective (raw, crude, rough) of course is.

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Interesting ideas! I will get back to them in more detail later. I’m out volunteering at a library and about to head home.

OK, it is now Sunday and I have a bit of time.[quote=“ville.sundberg, post:32, topic:974, full:true”]

Here are your suggestions. I’ll deal with each one separately.

_1. What if the verb cards would accept answers without the att? There’s nothing to remember there, and being able to leave it out would speed up review a little bit.

I take your point, but I simply don’t have the time to do that. I am adding audio files to the fourth part of the course (which contains approximately 2,300 words) and this is my priority at the moment: to make sure that each part has audio files and that they are as of good a quality as possible.

_* Would it be a good idea to always accept all gender forms of adjectives? Or at least the en and ett? I know I’ve been tripped up by hel a couple of times.

Well, the problem is that the adjective with the “T” ending looks like the adverb form. And then you would have the problem that people wouldn’t know which was the adverb and which was the adjective. The other problem is that the original course creator, sehiralti, didn’t seem to know his adjectives and adverbs in English properly, so sometimes the translation given for an adverb - for example, “helt” - is given as the adjective. So you would find “helt” translated as “complete” and not as “completely”. I have been trying to spot these and correct them as I review the course, but I have probably overlooked a few. If you see any, let me know, please! :slight_smile:

* What about noun declension and verb conjugation? Irregular verbs are self-contained enough that a separate course is a better approach, but I feel like learning the declension and conjugation classes could be a good idea.

There are other courses for irregular verbs, so I think we can just leave this course with the infinitives. I sometimes add the conjugations in mems. Again, adding this information would be quite time-consuming, and I don’t have the time right now. My main concern is to extend the definitions in the first part of the 8K+ series because they are too simple. At the same time, I am worried that long definitions look bad on people’s smartphones. I use my Chromebook or my desktop PC to learn and work on memrise, so I have no idea what longer definitions look like on a small phone screen.

I hope this answers your questions!

Anyway, even though I have rejected your suggestions for time reasons, I am VERY VERY happy to have a new person on the forum who has knowledge of the original Kelly list. That is fantastic! Please let me know if you see any other mistakes relating to the list.

I also noticed that you are quite new to memrise, but you seem to be very familiar with the terminology of learning languages. What nationality are you? Do you use memrise on your phone or the web version?

Hope to hear from you soon!

Makes sense! And I have already edited it and added a new audio file.

I have just looked for “rätt” in the database and it appears twice, both times given as “right, correct”, but once it appears as a particle, and the other time as an adjective.

I have added the phrase “att ha rätt” to the particle one so that they can be distinguished from each other.


Partly due to the influence of the excellent comments made by “Ville Sundberg” (who has already left us again, sadly), I finally got round to printing out part of the original Kelly Språkbanken database and have been comparing it with sehiralti’s version here on memrise.

As to be expected with such a mammoth task - and it is amazing and beyond awesome that sehiralti took the time to input 8,000+ words, plus around 4,000 audio files - there are a few errors here and there.

We have “ett får” (a sheep) appearing far too early, at the expense of “en far” - a father - and other little mix-ups. I shall start amending these and putting in the correct original versions, so please don’t be surprised when new words start appearing in the course and old ones disappear.

Some of the words that got missed out are really common and important Swedish words, so I am going to put them where they should be so that people doing this course really DO get to know the 8,000+ most common words of Swedish.

I hope that you are all still enjoying these courses and I am, as always, very grateful for any comments or suggestions.



I shall use this little section here to keep forum users up-to-date on what changes have been made and in what levels. If you want to practise these new words, you can just go to the level in question and review that level. You won’t get that many points, but at least you will learn the words!

Level 4 - jätte is now mycket

Level 10 - ett tåg is now ett tag

Level 12 - en klocka is now kl.

Level 14 - en mässa is now en massa

Level 14 - en morbror is now en (the object pronoun of man)

Level 15 - en ratt is now en rätt

Level 17 - att stamma is now att stämma (used in the common phrase, “det stämmer!” - that’s right! - I always wondered if stammers were very widespread in Sweden for the verb “to stammer” to appear so high up in the frequency list :slight_smile: )

Level 18 - andra is now med - used as an adverb to mean “too, as well”. Heard often in the phrase “jag med!” - “me too!”

Level 20 - att andra (an uncommon verb) is now att ändra (to change, alter)

Level 23 - rätt is now a particle, meaning it is a stressed word in phrasal verbs like “att ha rätt”

Level 25 - en brunch is now som att (e.g. det är som att tala till en vägg - it is like talking to a wall)

Level 27 - ett får is now en far (poor ole dads, relegated to being just sheep all this time! The proper place for sheep is level 100 in part 2 :slight_smile: )

Level 30 - ned - translation improved

Level 32 - en decimeter is now tillbaka as an adverb

Level 34 - Europa is now fel as an adjective

Level 37 - elva is now en krona; arton is now flera; bakre is now ytterligare

Level 38 - att tacka is now att täcka; femtio is now var (as an adverb)

Level 42 - femton has been changed back to mycket. I noticed in the mems for the word that it had actually once been “mycket”, but for some reason sehiralti changed it to “femton” at some point, so you had mems for both mycket and femton.

What may have confused him is that it appears in SweWac as a pronoun, yet very few dictionaries have it defined as a pronoun. However, it most definitely can be a pronoun and is used as such very often, say, in phrases like vi har mycket att prata om.

I have no idea why sehiralti decided to omit these words and swap them for ones which appear earlier in the database, although in some cases it appears he did this because his knowledge of Swedish wasn’t good enough to work out a good translation. The words he used as substitute appear at the beginning of the Kelly database, but they are not actually part of the frequency database called “SweWaC”, but from another database.

Level 49 - ett lån is now ett län

Level 53 - att täcka is now att tacka

Level 55 - att skåda (an archaic word, hardly used as a verb any more apart from in the phrase “skåda inte given häst i munnen”, meaning “don’t look a gift horse in the mouth”) is now att att skada

Level 93 - att besvära is now att besvara (“att besvära” is obviously not that common because it appears in part 4 of this course, towards the end)

Level 97 - en väg (which already appears much earlier in the course) is now en våg (a wave, a surge)

Level 104 - vanlig (which already appears earlier in the course) is now vänlig (friendly)

Level 116 - en ko is now en kö (a queue, used frequently in the word, "en bilkö, a traffic jam.

More changes are coming up in the next few weeks :slight_smile:

All in all, so far I have found 42 items that were miscopied from the original Kelly database. Which, considering we are talking about 3,000 items in total (for the first part), is not bad at all, really.



Thanks a bunch.


Tusen tack! I really appreciate all the work you’ve put into these courses.


On Part 2, level 15,

ett samråd you have as “a unison, a consensus.” isn’t this better translated as consultation?

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