This is the discussion forum for the course 7 Words of the Day by myself! It’s updated daily with seven low-frequency words from Word of the Day services.
You are all welcome to try out the course and share any ideas, reports, recommendations, etc. here!
That looks like a cool thing! It is already several months old, with interesting words.
May I ask for a feature? To have the definitions rather starting with a small letter in stead of a capital. I find it slightly distracting. Thanks anyway.
UPD: Audio of: ‘sericeous’ has an extra ‘r’ in it. This is a correct example. Could you delete or replace it?
UPD2: ‘place setting’ - the sample setting has a synonym in it, could replace it with the target word?
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Thank you!
Another thanks for the request, and for the errors pointed out. Regarding the suggestion, to start with a capital letter seems more natural or usual, e.g. in dictionaries I’ve seen and other courses, but if this request is repeated enough times, I’ll certainly carry out a poll.
About the errors; I fixed both! Deleted the audio since I can’t really record. Thanks again!
And you are right! Looks like I had created a fake memory for myself; the AHD capitalizes the first letter of the definitions and it’s my usual go-to source. (Although I check many dictionaries for this very course, funny I shouldn’t notice small letters. Hmm!)
I will surely think the matter through. Thank you both!
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No problem. As you said, see over time what other people think also. And it is not an absolute-need, just a nice-to-have.
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