[Course Forum] 5000 words sorted by frequency (strict typing)

What I did was go to dict.cc whenever I was unsure of a pronounciation. In fact, after the halfway point, I preferred to learn muted because the switching between audio and non-audio was jarring and slowed everything down.

If you have an instinct for how words should sound, I can recommend muting the audio to speed things up.

What I did was go to dict.cc whenever I was unsure of a pronunciation. In fact, after the halfway point, I preferred to learn muted because the switching between audio and non-audio was jarring and slowed everything down.

I am not agreed with muting audio, because it will negatively affect listening skill, which is more important than vocabulary.

If you have an instinct for how words should sound, I can recommend muting the audio to speed things up.

Having high speed internet connection, delay according to listening audio won’t exceed a couple of seconds in each review session.

Anyway, if you are busy I can fetch pronunciations and send it to you for uploading.

I also find the audio very useful. The first 47 levels have the audio, with some rare exceptions. If you send me the audio for these forgotten words, I will gladly add it for completeness. Once you learn the first 2400 words your understanding of German pronunciation should be good enough, so I will not add more audio after level 47.

Fair enough. I definitely found the audio useful in the beginning, but not so much later on because I developed an instinct for the pronounciation. Your mileage may vary.

If you want to improve your listening skills, I can recommend starting audio books like Harry Potter (read by Rufus Beck). It is a story you are probably familiar with, and the writing is intended for younger audiences to understand. I think 50% of the course done is a good minimum before trying out the audio books.

I copy my message from another course’s forum ([Course Forum] 5000 German Words (Top 87% sorted by frequency) by poncoosh - #346 by AA9b):

Hello, are there any active maintainers here?

I have not found a decent word list for russian speakers and I would like to translate the course into russian for my kids and I wonder if I can get raw data for the course to avoid copypasting from the browser which is rather labour intenstive. Also I do not have audio files. I have no idea how to snatch files from other courses.

huguesm, thanks anyway. The question is how may I get audio files or may I not?

The Anki extension in my previous link allows to grab audio as well. I never tried that one.

Here is a list of most of the words in 5000 German Words: words.tsv - Google Drive
They are not in the same order as in 5000 German Words.

Yes you can get audio files for each word used in 5000 German Words, but I have not done it for years. Here on my notes on the procedure: This is what I did in Chrome. Turn on developer tools (F12), go to Network tab. Click on the Audio icon in dict.cc to play the clip.
Good Luck

I migrated the Course Forum to a new location: 5000 words sorted by frequency (strict typing) + extra material