[Course Forum] 5000 German Words (Top 87% sorted by frequency) by poncoosh

@dylan.nicholson.548 For now, should I amend them as in the example I gave?

I donā€™t see any point in that entry even being there, given if you know the words ā€œkeinā€, ā€œAhnungā€ and ā€œhabenā€ you can figure out the phrase easily enough.
I really only want to include short phrases where they are the most natural way of expressing a single English word (e.g. to squat = ā€˜in der Hocke gehenā€™, which isnā€™t actually in there at the moment)

So just delete them?

That is a shame! Yeah, Iā€™m enjoying the strict test for that reason.

It is (thankfully) just with the tapping test for the moment, so will turn that off- thanks for the tip and happy learning!

Donā€™t just delete without consulting first because we want to avoid having levels that donā€™t have 15 entries. If you have another good entry to replace it (could be pulled out of the ā€œfinalā€ level if you like) then go for it.

On the issue of ā€œstrict typingā€, as Memrise is currently working you do need to know (or guess) the umlahts in plurals when doing the tapping tests - even in this course, which does not enforce strict typing.

I find this quite a good compromise. It has forced me to learn the umlahts but I do not need to devote time to this in the general review and word learning. Since there is a clear pattern, in most cases, of when umlahts are used, it doesnā€™t make sense to devote a lot of time to this repeating the exercise for each individual word.

Umlauts in plurals are different to umlauts in words. With non-strict typing you never even need to remember whether a letter needs an umlaut at all, meaning you can type ā€œwarenā€ when the word ā€œwƤrenā€ is required (even though they mean quite diferent things).

Dylan, thanks for point that out. I rigorously type in the umlahts, and also the capitalised nouns, and I never realisedā€¦

Well sure, I do too, but it bothers me when I get it wrong and it doesnā€™t tell me (though hearing the audio is enough to remind you that you missed an umlaut).
BTW, what method are people using for entering umlauts? I know I must be about the only person who does it by having memorised the ASCII codes and type ALT+0246 eg. for ƶā€¦)

Dylan, regarding entering umlahts, I am using a US international keyboard, and I do an umlaht by first pressing Alt-U and then hitting the character to get the umlaht. Itā€™s not particularly elegant, but it gets fast with practice. I also use a Spanish keyboard and on this one I have to enter Shift-Ā“ as the precursor for the umlaht - which feels a lot more natural, because the same key without the Shift introduces the ā€˜acuteā€™ accent.

I donā€™t know what kind of keyboard and computer you are using. I am using a Mac and I have done some minor keyboard reconfiguration with this. As I recall, you can reconfigure Windows keyboard interpretation as well, and so you could choose what you want to use for the ā€˜introductoryā€™ key press prior to an umlaht. (I have stuck with the standard configuration, so that I can move between computers with needing to configure.)

Incidentally, to get the Ɵ character on a US international keyboard (on my Mac), I press Alt-S.

On a macbook air I just hold the key down for a while, and numbered options come up including all the standard accents, Ɵ, etc etc. (so for example I make the Ɵ by holding down the s key).

FYI, the way to choose a keyboard layout under Windows is described in https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/17424/windows-change-keyboard-layout. The English US-International IME keyboard setting provides the ā€˜dead keyā€™ approach to getting accents (hitting an introductory key and then the letter which will be given the accent). This is dead key sequences are described in https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/306560.

Under Mac OS X, the required keyboard is selected under the Keyboard pane in the System Preferences, choosing ā€˜input sourceā€™.

For creating custom keyboards under Windows, it is possible to use Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator (although this may not be officially supported under Windows 10). For Mac OS X, people generally use Ukelele.

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TBH Iā€™d only bother finding a new method if it worked on iPads as well as Windows. I only occasionally use Memrise on an iPad when Iā€™m travelling (and itā€™s the only way Iā€™ve managed to maintain a 633 day streak for this course!). I tend to just use the on-screen ā€œspecial charactersā€ keys there, the only time I do.

On an iPad, Iā€™m sure that tapping the on-screen characters makes complete sense. Of course you can swap the displayed keyboard on an iPAD (for example, to show the German keyboard).

I donā€™t spend anywhere near as much time on it as you do going by your leaderboard position!

That canā€™t even be vaguely possibleā€¦Iā€™m only half-way through after 630 days!

I personally donā€™t think anyone could retain 100 new words a day unless fully immersed (and even then it would taper off after a month or so), but best of luck to you.
I have about 5 Memrise courses on the go, plus 3 or 4 supplemental learning methods, so Iā€™m happy if this particular course just helps me steadily build up core vocab. Quite often I do find as I reach new levels that Iā€™ve seen all the words in it before, so I just use auto-learn, which Memrise records as you having instantly learned 15 new words, but I doubt Iā€™m really retaining 15 new words a day from this course.


I donā€™t know if these have been brought of or not (too lazy to read), but here we go:

lvl 28: jemand erinnern: shouldnā€™t it be jemanden?
lvl 244: die Einnahme: it also appears on lvl 335.

Willing to be corrected, but from what Iā€™ve read both ā€œjemandā€ and ā€œjemandenā€ can be used as the accusative case, with the former slightly more common at least in casual speech.

Thought weā€™d tracked down all the duplicates but have fixed Einnahme, thanks.

Signature missing

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Beauftragter is a tricky word, because itā€™s a noun derived from an adjective and still declines like one.

So itā€™s Beauftragter but der Beauftragte and ein Beauftragter. The plural form is Beauftragte on its own or die Beauftragten.

Therefore I think the entry should be der Beauftragte; -n

See here for more information on adjectival nouns. And here is the Duden entry for Beauftragter.

EDIT: Because of links in my post, I had to break it up into smaller bits. I donā€™t know if I reply to myself on this post whether you will still see it or whether I have to reply to your original post again. I donā€™t know how any of this works. Bring back the old system, Memrise! :sob: