[Course Forum] 5000 German Words (Top 87% sorted by frequency) by poncoosh

Dylan, I’ve answered by PM. Thanks.

Hi, “die Tur” makes you enter “die Tur; -en” to get a correct response. Thanks.

The entry is correct. If you’re seeing that behaviour it’s a Memrise bug (it seems fine for me).

Signature missing

I am unsure about the word “wegschwimmen” (level 277). It doesn’t seem to exist in most online dictionaries and I cannot find it in a 500,000 word Collins dictionary (updated 2013) either.

It is in the Mannheim Institut für Deutsche Sprache DEREWO list, but a long way down the list. See http://www1.ids-mannheim.de/kl/projekte/methoden/derewo.html

It is also in the Free German Dictionary list available via SourceForge, at http://www1.ids-mannheim.de/kl/projekte/methoden/derewo.html.

I think that it is highly questionable if it should be in a list of the 5,000 most popular words…


Hallo Herr_Kaleun,

wegschwimmen is often used in an idiom.

“seine Felle wegschwimmen sehen”

Have a look here :http://www.linguee.de/deutsch-englisch/uebersetzung/seine+felle+davonschwimmen+sehen.html

Erklärung auf Deutsch:
Das Idiom kommt von den Gerbern, die im Fluss ihre Tierhäute reinigten. Wenn sie nicht gut aufpassten, dann schwammen ihnen die Felle weg. Hatten Pech - ihre Arbeit war umsonst. Sie bekamen keinen Lohn.

Maybe someone can translate it in english?

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dict.cc has “tohttp://www.dict.cc/englisch-deutsch/to.html seehttp://www.dict.cc/englisch-deutsch/see.html one’shttp://www.dict.cc/englisch-deutsch/one’s.html hopeshttp://www.dict.cc/englisch-deutsch/hopes.html dashedhttp://www.dict.cc/englisch-deutsch/dashed.html” for seinehttp://www.dict.cc/deutsch-englisch/seine.html Fellehttp://www.dict.cc/deutsch-englisch/Felle.html davonschwimmenhttp://www.dict.cc/deutsch-englisch/davonschwimmen.html sehenhttp://www.dict.cc/deutsch-englisch/sehen.html (but not wegschwimmen)

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Is anybody else actively editing entries other than adding audio? I’ve noticed a few changes recently I didn’t make - while they good ones (disambiguations etc.) as I’m doing quite a lot of heavy editing at the moment I’m concerned about conflicts.

Hi Misxi,

Thanks for your reply - I am getting issues on the web-version (chrome, and same if using another browser e.g. firefox) on the tapping of correct answers. If for example, we have (the widow), the following words:


The correct sequence should be: die Witwe , - n
It would register the correct first word, but the last four “taps” would be marked as red.

Let me know if I need to be more specific. This is same for other words as well - the first word registers, but the rest does not.

Yup, same issue here. I’m only using the web version, so I don’t know if the issue is carried on to the mobile apps.


It works when I type in the whole thing, but tapping always marks it wrong.

Sounds like something you’ll have to take up with Memrise.
Is whether to show “Tapping Tests” some sort of option you can set somewhere? I never use/see them (and personally don’t think they’re at all useful for vocab courses, maybe for grammar/sentence based courses).

That’s the strict typing version of the course, this thread is for the “non-strict-typing-sort-by-frequency” version (yes it’s ridiculous how many versions there are but nothing I can do about that sorry).

Hello @root and @reknaw, based on the screenshot posted by @reknaw, your issues are with a different course, and not this one.

To avoid any room for doubt, the best is to copy paste the url of the course you are studying. In this forum, we are discussing the course at http://www.memrise.com/course/47049/5000-words-top-87-sorted-by-frequency/.

However, I think that you (at least @root) are studying the course at http://www.memrise.com/course/58866/5000-words-sorted-by-frequency-strict-typing/.

It’s a pity about the confusion of names, but this is an overhang from when the courses were created and their names were chosen, and I don’t think that we can do anything about it.

In any case, I believe that you are reporting problems that are related to the content (and may be related to the recent change by Memrise to reject commas as a separator). In the course covered by this forum, Dylan has updated all the entries to be compatible with the new Memrise requirements, and therefore we don’t have these issues.

If you are in any doubt about this, please paste the url of the course you are studying.

Dylan, as a learner, the tapping tests are unavoidable. Even on the web version, most of the tests under “learn new words” are the tapping tests, and you can’t get to the Review function (as far as I know) without passing through the “learning” phase. Therefore designing the prompts well to suit tapping is important.

Nearly everything works well in this course, except when we add words like “or” in the prompts (as a way of indicating alternative plurals).

(The mobile apps are, of course, predominantly tapping tests…)

I turned the option off a long time ago (hence forgot it was even an option!) and have never missed it…
Oh and btw you can now avoid the learning phase (which doesn’t include tapping tests if you turn them off). It’s one of the many advantages of being a contributor :slight_smile:

Hi @misxifRM. Yeah, I realized my mistake shortly after posting. Sorry about that.

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Hi @misxifRM

Thanks for the informative reply! Yes, I’m using the Strict course: http://www.memrise.com/course/58866/5000-words-sorted-by-frequency-strict-typing/

So, as I understand that there are still some issues with this course, the only solution is to either wait until Memrise fixes this, or move onto another course e.g. this one.

The reason why I’ve chosen the “strict” course is because of the need to remember the umlauts - would this be the case in poncoosch’s course? Also, is there a way to migrate learned mems, without having to do start from scratch? I think I’m about halfway through the strict typing course, so it’s potentially frustrating to start again!

All the best,

reknaw, no the non-strict typing one doesn’t enforce umlauts. In retrospect I wish I’d actually started with the strict-typing one because it forces you to learn umlauts and plurals, but when I first started I found it too frustrating just how strict you had to be.
Nor is there anyway to transfer your mems/learning history across. You might be able to use auto-ignore to skip over at least some of the terms you already know.
Are the issues with the strict course only with tapping tests? If so you can just turn those off in your learning settings.

I have started coming across some complete sentences in the later levels. For example:

“Sie hat keine Ahnung” / “She has no clue/idea”

Should this entry not be the following?

“keine Ahnung haben” / “to have no idea”

Yeah those are definitely candidates for removal as we start adding in very common words that definitely should be in the list (like das Spiel!)