[Course Forum] 5000 German Words (Top 87% sorted by frequency) by poncoosh

Added a quotation mark to the plural form of Rechtsanwalt, so that it now reads der Rechtsanwalt; -"e.

Made der Vorsitzende into a weak noun: der Vorsitzende -n -n . Of course the plural female form only uses one n, and that on the dative plural: die Vorsitzende -n .

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There is some question regarding the plural of the word die Zukunft. Dict.cc and some other dictionaries do not show a plural form for this word other than Termingeschäft, but Ligure.com does, and it denotes the plural form as die Zukünfte, so I’ve changed the answer to “the future” to die Zukunft "e.

But that way you’ve missed out the umlaut on the second “u” of “Zukunft”, just FYI.

Hi Amanda
It is a bit confusing, but I actually did do it correctly. The quotation mark in die Zukunft "e denotes that there is an umlaut in the plural form, or: die ZukĂźnfte.

OOPS!!! I didn’t know about that convention and honestly just saw a single apostrophe.

Dictionary abbreviations are cool :slight_smile:

Fehler hier gemacht

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What does this post mean?

Corrected plural forms of das Land and der Anfang.

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It means I made a mistake in a posting but unable to delete my reply.

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Changed the question from “in the middle” to “in the middle of” and the answer from “mitten” to “inmitten”.

Added a fourth form to the series for “some”: mancher, manchen, manches, manche

Apparently Memrise cannot handle four terms in a series unless you answer in the exactly same order as the answer. So I changed the question to “some, many a (not irgendeine, einige, irgendwas, etwas)” and the answer to the single term “manche”.

Changed the plural form of Werkstatt to require the umlauting of the letter “a”, as in die Werkstatt; -"en.

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Changed the definition of “das Verstecken” to “the hiding, concealment, encryption”.

Changed the definition of “die Bekannte” to “the female acquaintance (not Freundin), acquaintances of either sex” (no further plural).

Changed the plural form of “Konto” to “Konten” although “Kontos” is occasionally used.

You could put in hidden alternatives with every possible ordering if you really had time to kill!

Dylan, I am a bit confused because I found another series of words that do work properly. I am also finding other words where when I answer incorrectly, Memrise accepts my wrong answer as correct.

Added a plural form to the word “der Rest”, which is “die Reste”.