[Course Forum] 5000 German Words (Top 87% sorted by frequency) by poncoosh

Removed the plural from “Wachstum”.

“the (legal) right” doesn’t accept “das Recht” as an answer, only “das Recht e”?


Hello, I have several findings, I hope you consider them.

I find two inconsistencies in level 107.
The first one - Oktober. You usually have in german version of months the artikel. But here the german version is only “Oktober”. I suggest you change it to “der Oktober”.
The second one - Mitarbeiter. I feel that this word means someone you work with. I would translate this word in english as colleague or co-worker (maybe workmate).
If you want the german word for the employee, the best translation is “der Angestellte”. I think other good translations would be “der Arbeitnehmer” or “der Beschäftige”.

In level 106, there is word ''begrüßen". But in the englisch version you have also written (not grüßen). Maybe I would delete this as it is too great hint.

In level 104, you have the word “die Beteiligung ; -en”. Could you please delete the gap between the word Beteiligung and the semicolon? Thank you.

In level 91, there is a word “schenken”. I was actually discussing this word with a friend from Germany and he told me that it also means to fill someone’s glass (with wine, tee, etc.). I asked him to pour me a beer (bitte gieße mir ein Bier) and he told me that I should have said: (schenke mir ein Bier) and that “gießen” is mostly used for watering the flowers.

In level 44, the word “die Gesellschaft” is not just the society, but also the company.

In level 30, could you change: der Boden; " to der Boden; -"?
I mean could you add the dash? Thank you.

In level 22, in the word der Mensch, could you please add another semicolon as you have it at the other weak nouns? I mean like this: der Mensch; -en; -en. It would be easier.

In level 20, the same problem with the word heart/Herz. Could you please add another semicolon and change it to: das Herz; -ens; -en? I know this word is kind of special, so it is just my suggestion.

In level 11, again the same problem with the word right/Recht. Could you add the semicolon?

In level 10, the word Herr. I am not completely sure, but I believe this is weak noun. I would change it to: der Herr; -en; -en.

Thank you in advance for considering my proposals :slight_smile:

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For the German courses, it would be good if you also had the phonetic spelling/pronunciation of the German words. It could really help master the conversational part/ actual speaking part learning the language. I have the Pro version, and did not notice any areas in the application where this is part of the learning process.

Seriously, pronouncing a word like kohlensäure, is pretty difficult… it would be great if you could have the words broken down for easier pronunciation like below…

If you don’t already have this in app, I am requesting a feature like this. I do love the application so far. It’s the best I’ve used!


Is the convention for showing that the word doesn’t change in the plural?

Because it does: ein Boden, die Böden.

Otherwise, you make very good points!

I particularly agree with you on “die Gesellschaft” - think of GmbH, which stands for “Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung”, more or less equivalent to a ‘limited company’ in the UK - and on “der Mitarbeiter” meaning workmate, co-worker and colleague.

“der Angestellte” is a white-collar worker, office worker, clerical worker, or salaried employee, and it usually refers to someone working in an office environment, as opposed to “der Arbeiter”, which can have the connotation of a blue-collar worker, or factory worker.

I’m afraid that there has been a bit of a misunderstanding here. “Schenken” is used to refer to giving someone a present.
“Was hat dein Freund dir zum Geburtstag geschenkt?” = What (kind of present) did your boyfriend give you on your birthday?

Not to be confused with “einschenken”, which means to pour sth. into a glass or cup.


For example: “Kannst du mir bitte noch etwas Kaffee einschenken?”

Can you pour me some more coffee, please?

Henry, I have accepted and changed most of your suggestions. With regard to the colons and hyphens, I think they are superfluous and I do not type them in when answering. If you have a different experience, please let me know.

Regarding the colons, dashes etc. I have different experience. When I written e.g. “Beteiligun; -en”, it was marked as wrong with note that I should have written “Beteiligung ; -en”. Similar was "Boden; " and “Boden; -”.
So that was why I’ve posted it here. If you were so kind to fix this, it would be very helpful to me. Thank you!

Henry, it looks like you erred in answering with “Beteiligun; -en”, since you omitted the letter “g”. I think memrise ignores all characters following the answer, including colons, dashes, and unfortunately also quotation signs. So give your answers simply in the form “Beteiligung en”. Similarly the answer to “the soil, bottom, floor, ground” is just “Boden”, even though its plural form is really “Böden” . You have to keep track of whether or not the answer is really plural.

It was my mistake, I have written it badly. I meant “Beteiligung; -en” and “Beteiligung ; -en”
The difference was in the gap between the word and the semicolon. You have all your words without this gap and there is semicolon right behind the word, so I meant that you could unify it. But I believe that now it is okay.

But I still would like to discuss the words Mitarbeiter (level 107) and Gesellschaft (level 44) with you. Did you consider at my proposals?
I strongly believe that Mitarbeiter is someone you work with (arbeiten mit jemandem), like colleague or co-worker.
And Gesellschaft is both society and company, as far as I’m concerned.

I also noticed that you set the word “der Herr” (level 10). Now it is without any semicolons. It is quite more confusing now :confused:
I suggest this: “der Herr; -en; -en”
Do you agree

The same suggestion with the word the right (level 11):
“das Recht; -e”

And with words das Herz and der Mensch (levels 20 and 22):
“das Herz; -ens; -en”
“der Mensch; -en; -en”

Thank you

Henry, I’ve changed the definitions of Mitarbeiter and Gesellschaft, according to those in https://contribute.dict.cc/guidelines/.

Again, the semicolons (:wink: and hyphens (-) have no meaning or effect on Memrise. I do not know why they were used at all. I again recommend that you try giving your answers without them. Unfortunately, Memrise also ignores the quotation marks ("), which are important, so you have to look at the listing of your answers to see if you got them right.

Eliminated the plural form on Beauftragter in Level 227.

Changed the plural form of Auftrag to Aufträge as in (Auftrag "e).

Hi, I came across “der Chinesisch” as the translation for “Chinese (language)”. This should be “das Chinesisch”.

Unfortunately, I don’t know what level this is on, since I was using the random review function.

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You are right, and I changed it to das Chinesisch.

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I changed the translation of the former Italian currency Lira, to “die Lira s”.
Also changed the definition of stinky from “stinkig” to “stenkend”.

@wichtig-Leland, did you mean “stinkend”?

Hello @wichtig-Leland, just looking at your last 2-3 messages…

Regarding Beauftragter, this is a tricky one, since it is really an adjectival noun. It therefore declines depending on the article that comes before it. “Die Beauftragten” would therefore be correct in the plural (as would “der Beauftragte” in the singular, not “der Beauftragter”, although “ein Beauftragter” is correct).

Another example in this course is “der Deutsche; -n; -n” (that could be without the hyphen, if you prefer).

You can PM me for a discussion on this, if you like.

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misxifRM, I changed the definition of stinky from stinkig to stinkend a few days ago, although I posted the change here incorrectly. Stinkig really means “cranky”.

Thank you for responding. Memrise blocks additional posts from anybody when they have made three posts in a row.

Thanks very much. It’s great to have someone so active in maintaining this course!

What does this sentence mean in your post? Was it written by you or inserted automatically by the forum application?

I changed die Beauftragte to der Beauftragter because the masculine form is ten times more common that the feminine form. I’ve looked at several websites that list weak nouns, and none of those list beauftragt- as a potential “weak male noun”, except for Beolingus which states that Beauftragte can be masculine or feminine.

der Beauftragter the (male) appointee, designee, advocate, representative, agent (not Ernannter, Berufener) (B_)

Dict.cc does give an example of using the male idiom: “der hässlicher Deutsche”, but that is all I could find. Even though “der Deutsche n n” is correct, it seems to be rarely used.

der Deutsche; -n; -n (also der Deutscher) the male German