[Course Forum] ! 500 Russian Verbs by neal.p.carey

Welcome to the new Forum/Discussion Topic for the course 500 Russian Verbs.

Добро Пожаловать! This course contains 500+ of the most common and useful verbs in the Russian language - based on book “Русские Глаголы, Тетрадь-словарь студента-иностранца” (Russian Verbs, Workbook-Dictionary for the foreign student).

The verbs are mixed between imperfective/perfective aspects (impf./pf.) Each verb has the ‘other’ aspect as an alternate word. It is very important to pay attention to the impf./pf. indicators as you learn the verbs.

Feedback, errors, discussion always welcome.

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I am currently adding context sentences to ! 500 Russian Verbs. So far, Verbs 1-275 (Levels 6-16) and (Levels 26-27) have sentences.

If you have suggestions for verbs for which you’d like to see sentences added sooner, just post them here. Otherwise I will just continue to add them sequentially.

If you have good examples to share of your favorite verbs, please share them and I’ll try to use them, or if you feel that any of the sentences are too complex or hard to understand, report them here and I’ll review them.

Hi @neal.p.carey!
You have put your attributes showing on tests.
It’s very good that you have sample sentences. It’s not good if they are showing in reviews because it gives the right answer easily away.
I like that you introduce a sentence with a verb. What do you think about the idea of testing those same sentences in proceeding level. After each verb level there would be a sentence level with those vers in use.
(This means a lot more copy-pasting to you …)

Edit. Maybe it’s because I’m using mobile and app. I can only see one attribute…

I agree that we should not display the sentence attribute in the testing, so I will turn that off.

As far as adding sentence levels, I’m not really sure that fits with the way the course is designed and set up. It sounds like it would require a complete separate course. Using Memrise on mobile devices is really different than on a computer with a browser, which is what this course is designed for. You might want to try it on the website directly first, and I think you’ll see what I mean. Some of the sentences are simple, some may be difficult. They really are just for context.

ok, but would it be possible to get the translations anyhow (mems?)? very little chance to use PC

translations of what? the sentences? I’m not sure what you mean by ‘mems’

Would you please add to course short description box the information of
this course being designed for web users. “Contains additional information
visible only via browser”. Course creator @neal.p.carey

14.10.2016 15:44 kirjutas kuupäeval “Neal P Carey” <
[email protected]>:

neal.p.carey http://community.memrise.com/users/neal.p.carey
October 14

I agree that we should not display the sentence attribute in the testing,
so I will turn that off.

As far as adding sentence levels, I’m not really sure that fits with the
way the course is designed and set up. It sounds like it would require a
complete separate course. Using Memrise on mobile devices is really
different than on a computer with a browser, which is what this course is
designed for. You might want to try it on the website directly first, and I
think you’ll see what I mean. Some of the sentences are simple, some may be
difficult. They really are just for context.

Added “Contains additional information visible only via browser” to short description. Let me know how it looks.


So, just one small problem: I’ve noticed the words позволить and разрешить both have the same prompts, which makes it hard to get them right because it’s impossible to tell which one is being asked for.

Generally I’ve found this course challenging and useful, thank you for constructing it!

[quote=“eponymousthing, post:9, topic:748”]
разрешить & позволить
[/quote] - thanks for bringing this to my attention. I have ‘fixed’ the primary definition of разрешить to add “to solve, to resolve” and have added “to let” to позволить. This should further clarify things, especially in the case of разрешить.

I’m glad you like the course, a lot has gone into creating and maintaining it. Thanks!

Thank you! I’ve also noticed that объявить and заявить have this problem, also случаться and бывать. There may be others but mostly notice them when they come up near each other

I’ve clarified by adding and rearranging the definitions. However some primary definitions are just the same sometimes.

заявить = declare, announce, state; claim, present

объявить = declare, tell; advertise; express; announce

случаться = happen, come to pass, come about; occur (to) (встречаться); befall (о несчастном случае || of an accident); happen (to) (с кем-л. / чем-л.); take place

бывать = be, be present, frequent, go to see, visit, occur, happen


I think I have noticed a small problem. The verbs слышать/слушать are both imperfective by what the app states. This little problem gets really confusing and annoying sometimes, especially in speed reviews.

The course rocks by the way!! :muscle: :muscle:

Ilias, they are both imprefective, but they are two different words. I’m not sure what problem you’re having with them. One verb is “to listen” (слушать), one is “to hear” (слышать).

Here are the imperfective/perfective pairs for both with the examples from the course to compare:
слушать/послушать - to listen - Он слушает музыку? (Is he listening to music?)
слышать/услышать - to hear - У меня было ощущение, что ты могла слышать об этом. (I had a feeling you could hear about it.)

In case it is the audio that is confusing, I’ve changed to a better pronunciation of слышать. It can sometimes be difficult to distinguish between ы and у in some speech. Hope this helps, and I’m glad you like the course! Thanks.