[Course Forum] “3000 Most Common Finnish Words” by sehiralti

I saw that the course didn’t have a a forum.
And, I have a question.
So I just created.


I’ve noticed some Finnish words might have two possible English solutions.
So, when it appears even if I know both it’s totally random to get it right.
So, I’m proposing more detailed definitions.
Hopefully, sehiralti or somebody else with edit privilege will see it.
I don’t see a way to message a course author. :-?

Best regards,


Here comes the list:

painava —> heavy, weighty
raskas —> heavy, burdensome

oppilas —> pupil
opiskelija —> student

for, towards
preposition -> I think both are postpositions
varten —> for, toward, towards
?kohden —> towards, for

maalaus —> painting, picture
?taulu —> painting, blackboard, board, table

liike —> business, shop
?kauppa —> shop, store

eri —> different, various, several, separate
toisenlainen -> different, altered

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I can’t help you with the course, but I’ve noticed that you put your own name in the thread title. I think that the course author’s name should be there instead (to further specify the course in case there were more with the same or very similar name).

Hi widle :slight_smile:
Sure, I just changed it.

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I noticed two synonyms in the course that are not recognized as such, so it’s a bit of a hit and miss to get it right:

suunta: direction
taho: direction

muualla: elsewhere
toisaalla: elsewhere

Maybe it’s possible to fix that :slight_smile:

Oh, and I’m very grateful for this course. Thank you very much, sehiralti!!

Both the finnish words ‘he’ and ‘ne’ have the same English word ‘they’ as a solution. So whenever ‘they’ come up and you have to write an answer it’s a 50/50 chance of getting it correct.
This gets a bit irritating after a few times :frowning:

‘he’ and ‘ne’ are still not getting recognized as synonyms!

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That’s because the course creator probably isn’t here anymore. No idea if there are any other contributors.

yes, 6 months later is the same problem!

When “sehiralti” was still active, he was kind enough to make me a course contributor for the four-part 8,000+ Most Common Swedish Words course. He hasn’t been around much at all for the past year or so. I notice this because his number of points has hardly changed for ages.

I would contact memrise directly and ask if you can be made a course contributor and then you can work on disambiguating the words yourself (as I have done on the 8K+ Swedish courses because there was the exact same problem there).

What I do now is to look for everyday phrases or typical usages of the words and put them in the definition. I’ll post a screenshot later so you can see what I mean.