Croeso pawb! Feedback is welcome!
Hi. I’m a relative newcomer to Welsh, but I’ve got a suggestion. Maybe there should be a part of this course—or maybe separate course—for Welsh verbs with irregular conjugational stems, e.g. gwrando, gwrandaw- ( I’m just memorising the totally irregular verbs bod, cael, dod, gwneud and mynd on their own).
Similarly, though they’re mostly confined to the literary language, it might be handy to have something for the third-person singular form of the non-past tense, as it seems to be impossible to predict in many common verbs.
Helo! Diolch yn fawr iawn am eich neges. Your suggestion is a good idea. I was aware of the issue when I was creating my other courses. So in ‘Simple past tense’ and ‘Simple future tense’ I included separate sections on cael, dod, bod, gwneud and mynd. And in ‘Commands in Welsh - chi forms’, I included separate sections on irregular verbs and verbs with irregular stems, because it is in the command form that you see the irregular stems in action. Have you tried these courses yet?
I’m not planning creating any other courses at the moment, but thanks for your other suggestion. That too is a good idea. Why not have a go yourself? I myself created my courses while I was doing beginners’ courses, and found it was good fun, as well being able to tailor courses to my own requirements.
Dymuniadau gorau, a phob lwc!