[Course Forum] 1000 words of elementary German by vhodge

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This course contains many duplicate words. There are more than 2000 words instead of 1000. Would be great if they could be filtered out.

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This comment has been made several times in the old forums as well. The repetition is a design feature of the course which some people like and others dislike, and I don’t expect there would be any agreement reached about whether repetition is good or bad. (Personally, I like it.)

But here is the good news for you: if you prefer it, there is actually another version of the course without the repetition: http://www.memrise.com/course/48222/duplicate-removed-1000-words-of-elementary-german/


Thank you for help.
Duplicates will definitely remain in this course.

Not a question, however it seems that in level 4, the word for “to watch” is the wrong word. Presently it’s translated as “die Uhr”, which means “hour” instead. The correct translation would be “ansehen”.

Other than this small mistake, the course has been great up until now! :slight_smile:

Hallo thegreatdutchman

die Uhr means the clock, :alarm_clock:
hour means die Stunde,
die Armbanduhr is the watch [wristwatch] not to watch


Hello there,
you always need to look at “Part of Speech” field during this course. Word “watch” is “noun”, so it is not “to watch”, it is, as mentioned before, “the watch”. There is a lot of such tricky words in this course, so looking at “Part of Speech” is important in time of doubt.

Having finished this course here are some thoughs.

Don’t like the repetitions. Memrise already does that for you. Having simple known words pop up and require six actions to dismiss makes me want to pull out a six-shooter and politely put a stop to their double-dipping days.

Is the tootal number of words 1025 or 1026? I might have politely eliminated one too many. Oops? Or, are some of them triple-dippers? The horror!

But I see there is some humor in the placement, like in die Kunst, das Werk, der MĂźll! and also in the repetitive placements, though all my examples have been politely shot. Fun is great and funny mems are the best, so good work there. I can only wish I could do humor.

Hmm, also, ‘to keep’ perhaps isn’t the best translation of ‘halten’ when put in context, between censored and detained.

Finally, I can’t find a reason why your days of the week are not uniformly articled. And why the odd/even separation, exactly? Is this like a secret handshake in Germany, or a sign of the times? Will other words be discarding their gender too and will we have transwords? Or is this the -ismus society testing the waters for their possible return by sending Tagismus ahead to scout? And who do we call? Should we even worry with such a weak move? Or is this move purposefully calculated to lull us into complacency? And will anyone even ever read this?

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Hallo! My question is word ‘‘stecken’’ correct translation for ‘‘to set’’? Its kind of a problem in reviews because there is also choice ‘‘stellen’’ which I believe its more common use of verb ‘‘to set’’. Thanks in advance for support.

no. That would be a very loose interpretation. It’s more like to stick something.

So do you mean ‘‘stick someting’’ for stecken or for stellen?

for stecken.
to place or set is closer to stellen.

I also think like that. But in exercise it shows ‘‘stecken’’ as a ‘‘to set’’ ---- instead of stellen.

many of the words in this course have audio and I wondered why I can’t practice the Listening skills. I thought that to automatically “unlock” the option, all words must have the audio, but recently I found out that it’s a feature that has to be enabled by the creator. It’s in the Edit course -> Details -> Audio mode enabled. I quite like this course and it would be great if we could do more practise :slight_smile:

Can’t find such an option in Details. Maybe because I’m not a creator of this course, but was added as admin later?

You’re right - I just checked a couple of courses, and the ‘Audio mode enabled’ check-box option is only available for those I’ve created. The option does not show up for contributors to a course.

This is a relatively new feature and lots of courses are not supported by course creators, but rather by course contributors. So such courses will never have this feature turned on, I guess.

I asked Memrise about the issue about a year ago, but didn’t get a reply.

Hello, I’m having trouble during this course that sometimes audio does not work. Even for words that I know this course has audio, they don’t always reproduce and that leaves me stranded. Any fix for this?

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Audio doesn’t seem to work for some words that have it
I think it’s the ones having 2 audios