[Course Forum] 英語 1-7(アメリカ) Japanese by Memrise

Hi, sorry about that. It is now fixed.


I found a translation mistake.
The translation for “interesting” should be “おもしろい” not “多様な”.

Course: 英語5(アメリカ) - Level 6

I found another translation mistake.
The translation for “a senator” should be “上院議員” not “大臣”.

Course: 英語5(アメリカ) - Level 7

I found a typo.
I think “aTM” should be all upper case.

  • English: an ATM
  • Japanese: ATM (現金自動預け払い機)


Course: Level 6 - 英語2(アメリカ)

Hello, the problem with “an ATM” has not been fixed yet.
By the way I found another error in 英語2 (アメリカ).

English: she doesn’t like coffee or tea
Japanese: 彼女は紅茶もコーヒーも好きではありません
The order of “cofee” and “tea” replaces each other in Japanese, as “紅茶もコーヒーも”.
It should be “コーヒーも紅茶も”.

Hi @MarikoMiz , have you seen the latest error message by @poyotan?

Cf There is no one who corrects errors in the official course

PS Cc @MemriseSupport & @Lien


Hi All,
I’m sorry I had not noticed this thread! Thank you for all your reports, and if I have not missed out anything, all the errors have now been fixed. Please let me know if I have missed anything.

If you are on your apps, you should be able to see the changes if you log out and log back in again.


Mariko’s successor @KanaTsumoto will look into it asap.

Many thanks @KanaTsumoto (even though I am not leaning Japanese!).

Thanks for making a great resource even better and thanks for letting Japanese learners know who to contact in future.


Hi @DW7, thanks for caring about this issue and changing the title of the topc I created!

@KanaTsumoto さん、修正ありがとうございました。今後ともよろしくお願いいたします :hugs:

@sutara79 さん、エラー報告ありがとうございます。修正されましたよ~

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Hi @poyotan

thanks for caring about this issue

My pleasure, I saw it was still awaiting attention and I know a few people :wink:

and changing the title of the topic I created!

Actually, I only suggested a change to your topic (for you to make).

I did add “Japanese by Memrise” to help direct other people here on this thread.

Enjoy your learning! :woman_student:


Oh really! Then maybe some memrise staff changed the title… Thanks for letting me know :grin:

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Hi @KanaTsumoto

Please let me know if I have missed anything.

I was thinking, you have probably amended this one course (ie Japanese for Americans) but have you also made the same corrections to it’s clones (or twin courses) ie the UK English version and any others (eg Japanese for Italians, French etc)?


Thank you @DW7,

Good point! Although all these courses are created separately, it will be a good thing to revisit them regularly, I will check them in the coming days! Thanks!


Hi @KanaTsumoto

all these courses are created separately

That’s interesting. I would have thought that the learning of Japanese phrases would be constant and the parent language was changed as necessary.

Does that mean that the course for Japanese people learning English is different to that for English people learning Japanese too?

If not then the course you corrected for Americans learning Japanese needs to be corrected for the Japanese learning English!! (Even if it is a reversed clone.)

I will check them in the coming days!

I suppose you need to check if the uncorrected word or phrase is used elsewhere.


level5 カザキスタン→カザフスタン (there is no country named “カザキスタン”)

level3 ソフトボールをするのが好きですが→ソフトボールを楽しみますが (she “enjoys”)
level18 プラマイゼロ→蛇と梯子 (in English(UK), “プラマイゼロ” is a translation of “swings and roundabouts”)
level19 切る→切り傷 (“a cut” is a noun, “切る” is a verb)
level19 妊娠→妊娠している (“pregnant” is an adjective, “妊娠” is a noun)
level27 管理する; 支配する→管理; 支配 (“control” is a noun, “管理する; 支配する” are verbs)
level29 タジオ→ラジオ (typo)

level9 自然→自然な (“natural” is an adjective, “自然” is a noun)
level13 助言する→助言 (“advice” is a noun, “助言する” is a verb)
level16 深刻な→深刻に (“severely” is an adverb, “深刻な” is an adjective verb)
level16 十分な→十分に (“sufficiently” is an adverb, “十分な” is an adjective verb)
level18 開放する→解放する (“開放する” is a translation of “to open”)
level19 詐欺だ→ぼったくりだ (“ぼったくり” is a more natural expression for “overcharging”)
level24 不健康的な→不健康な (it’s unnatural)
level28 付き合う→デートする (“付き合う” is a translation of “to be dating”)
level31 含む→含まれる (“included” is a passive voice, “含む” is an active voice)
level31 含まない→含まれない (“excluded” is a passive voice, “含まない” is an active voice)
level33 仲直りしする→仲直りする (typo)

level1 わかっているのであればいい→わかっているのであれば (the original sentence doesn’t have a nuance of “いい”)
level3 欝になっている→鬱になっている (“欝” is an alternative of “鬱”)
level4 〜する→~するだろう, 私は~する→私は~するだろう, それは~である→それは~だろう (“would” is not for an assertive sentence)

the pairs appear in the same multiple choice question although they have the same meaning
level1 “we’re looking forward to seeing you” and “we’re looking forward to meeting you”
level19 “to sit” and “to sit down”
level12,13 “to file a complaint” and “to complain”


level24 この患者は不健康的な食べ物を避けるべきです→この患者は不健康な食べ物を避けるべきです (same as the above reply)
level27 得る→利益 (“gain” is a noun, "得る” is a verb)
level27 経験する→経験 (“experience” is a noun, “経験する” is a verb)
level27 経験が最高の教師を作る→経験が最高の教師だ (experience “is” the best teacher)
level28 離婚の→離婚した (“離婚の” is a translation of “of divorce”)
level28 許可された→許可される (“許可された” is a translation of “allowed”, not “to be allowed”)
level28 悪い予想をする→縁起の悪いことを言う (“予想をする” is a translation of “to expect”)
level28 悪い予想はしないで→縁起の悪いことを言わないで (same as above)

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Would you fix these?


Hi @KK_kaku and @Pearl_uni,




level3 last: 持続する→最後の (“持続する” is a translation of “to last”)
level29 to post: 郵送する; SNSでシェアする→郵送する; SNSに投稿する (“シェアする” is a translation of “to share”)
level33 they got engaged after three weeks: 彼らは出会って二週間で婚約しました→彼らは出会って三週間で婚約しました (after “three” weeks)
level1 I’m going to hit the hay: 寝床につく→私は寝床につくつもりです (“寝床につく” is a translation of “to hit the hay”)
level4 I would: 私は〜する→私は~するだろう (“would” is not for an assertive sentence)
level4 that would be …: それは〜である→それは~だろう (same as above)

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level21 there was a risk of strong wind: 強風の危険性があります→強風の危険性がありました (there “was”)
level21 there was a chance of sunshine: 晴れる可能性があります→晴れる可能性がありました(same as above)
level2 afraid: 恐れる→恐れて (“恐れる” is a translation of “to be afraid”)

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