I have a plan😂: Memrise need some good courses (500-1000 words + Audio) for eastern asian languages, there are not many! There a many languages, for example Telugu or Dhivehi, which haven’t good courses. I wan’t to create some courses for some languages. Also, who would take part?
I would be interested in assisting/participating with a Tamil one! My Tamil is embarrassingly bad despite having lived in a Tamil-speaking region for several years. I’m already involved with the various Hindi courses. Telugu sounds interesting - it’s a beautiful sounding (and looking) language!
I am currently writing a new Hacking Hindi course, which I’m using a template from a French course to base it on. My plan (though I haven’t yet done this) is to ask a couple of YouTubers I follow if they’d be willing to record the audio for me. That way Memrise gets a plug from their YouTube channel, and in turn their YouTube channel gets a plug from Memrise. I’m not quite sure how this would work yet, but it’s something I’m looking into.
I’d love to see more of uncommon languages promoted. Spanish etc. are all very well, but there are zillions of resources out there for learning them.
So, there aren’t more guys, so we must do it alone
. We could make a same format. Firstable you create your Hindi course and then I will make a course in an other asian language, but the same format content.