Here is where you can let me know about corrections or suggestions for my Memrise courses. Just leave a note and I’ll try to fix things as soon as I can.
Here is where you can let me know about corrections or suggestions for my Memrise courses. Just leave a note and I’ll try to fix things as soon as I can.
I wish you would remove the alphabet in Lesson 1 since those terms will constantly appear as answer options throughout the rest of the course and taking up the space of a possible answer.
Thanks for the suggestion. It should be possible to ignore those items. Also, in my experience, the alphabet answers very seldom show up as possible responses, especially as you complete more of the course.
It is important for me to include the alphabet for my early students, so that they can learn all aspects of the text book via Memrise. I had considered keeping it off in the first place, but considered it more important to have a complete course.
Thanks again!
Yes, I marked them to be ignored and yet, despite not reappearing as questions their answer still appear as possible options for other questions, quite annoying.
See this screenshot from 2 minutes ago:
I understand your point, too.
Which course are you working on? I’ll see what results I get.
I think you’re using “Beginning with NT Greek.” It seems like I am getting the alphabet as either feast of famine–even when I have completed the course. I’ve had six of eight answers come up as alphabet.
I will agree with you that this can be distracting. I also want to keep the alphabet in there, but think the distractions are too severe. I will take your suggestion ad remove the alphabet level. I can always add it back in later, if I need to. But, it is such a rudimentary learning point that I hope folks don’t need it terribly long.
Perhaps I can just create a course for the Greek Alphabet and point folks there…
Have you thought about allowing typing answers?
Also, have you thought about adding audio files so that way as you are learning, you don’t learn with the wrong pronunciation (which I have done). I have created my own chapter 1 to see what I am talking about: Beginning with New Testament Greek - by jarrett.meyer - Memrise. I just used Rob Plummer’s vocab videos and split it up for the audio files. I would be willing to collaborate to upload audio files as I am going through the book.
I have considered the typing exercises, but that slows down the exercises considerably. So, all my courses are simply selecting the correct answer from the clue.
Concerning the audio, I wish there was a way to have the audio for one set of words that could apply to multiple courses. I’ve done audio for courses in the past, and it doesn’t take too much time to do. It just takes doing.
Along those lines, I am in the process of developing a web application that works with Greek vocabulary. Ultimately, it will have learning by GNT book, whole GNT, and possibly keyed to many popular grammars.
So, short story long, I’ve been focusing my time on those things, as well as hepping Dr. Plummer with some of his projects and other things at SBTS.
Hope that hepps explain things a bit.