Course 6-9, German for the Chinese native speaker

Hello, Memrise.

I’ve got a report from my friend that some vocabularies in German course have a mistake. She has checked all the words of this 6-9 level and only find these 7 mistakes.

Here is it, please check the words below:
überfallen 嫌疑犯
der Verdächtige
der Zeuge
die Pistole 目击者
die Maske 枪
die Droge 面具
die Waffe

I am sure they are wrong. Please review them… Thank you…

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a link to that course would be nice and handy

Rearranging the list gives me:

I don’t see the mistakes other than perhaps them using 枪 instead of 手枪?

Hello… Here is the link…

For example, it’s written
die Maske = 枪
die Maske means the mask, but…
枪 means the gun / pistol

Let’s check for another
In the course, it is written
die Pistole = 目击者
die Pistole means the pistol
目击者 means eyewitness


Anyway, I’m sure that my original message is not written like this:

But… Like this

Why did you switch the words, then said that nothing wrong?

Please check again, because they are wrong… Thank you.

I’ll let you think about that yourself, after reading my comment again. I thought something might have been switched around in your list. is the course maintainer for this course I think.

I know that you are a kind person, probably…

I guess, in this case, you don’t have to rearrange or switch the words that someone try to report. And then leave a comment like that. Because it will make a chaos.

I will be happy, if you ask me for something that makes you hesitate. And, I will be very happy, if you try to help me by connecting me to the course creator so he/she can review the issue.

Anyway, thank you for mentioning … I feel helped.

Thank you so much for pointing out these mistakes! I have corrected them now.


When will the errors be corrected?

thanks for your message! My colleague @yi.liu will investigate the issue as soon as possible.


Hi there! These have been corrected a while ago and I saw them correct on our side. Could you possibly share more information if you still see mistakes? Otherwise maybe try to log out of the app and log in again and it should do the trick :slight_smile: Thank you for the comment!

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