Constantly Replaying the First Few Words from “Learn with Locals” and “Listening Skills”

Hey everyone,

I love the Memrise app and courses. I’m working on the Italian one and I do have a “Pro” subscription. It seems that no matter how far I progress in the course, the “Learn with Locals” and “Listening Skills” almost always goes back to the first few words that I learned in the course.

At first, I thought this was part of the app/design and they really wanted me to learn these core words that I learned first. Now, I’m starting to wonder. By now, I can enter the words in my sleep for each “Learn with Locals” as soon as I see the picture of that person. It’s great to have these words drilled into my head so much that I could repeat them in my sleep, but I’m thinking my time could be better spent with other words/phrases that are also present throughout the course in the videos from locals etc. The same is true with Listening Skills.

It is always/almost always the same words that were part of the first or second group of words that were learned and no matter how far I progress in the course, it’s the same videos, etc. Is this a bug or by design? I feel like I am wasting my time whenever I see “Learn with Locals” appear.

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I believe I had the same problem when I tried it for Swedish in the Android app.

The problem has been reported many times, too, but so far nothing seems to have happened or changed in any way.

I’m having the exact same problem with French, it’s quite annoying because I think those would be the two most useful features.
I’ve contacted them but no reply yet.
Let me know if they’ve gotten back to you : )

I just want to second this complaint. Listening Skills in particular just gives the same words every time. I’ve given up using it, and basically only use Classic Review and Learn New Words these days. This really needs to be fixed.

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