Coming Soon - New Ranks

Nooo, Memrise! This doesn’t address the disproportionate gaps between the highest levels. There is currently a gap of 40 million (!) points between “Meminence” and “Memperor”, and then another 50 Million (!) until “Overlord”.

I hate to think how many hours I have spent since achieving “Meminence” and was still another 14 million (!) points (around 2 years at 150,000 - 200,000 points per week) away from reaching “Memperor”. Now, under the new system, you have moved my next rank more than 28 million (!) points further away!

At my time of life, that may just be too great a distance! :unamused:

PS: The proposed gaps between the lower levels are still much too small.



at my age I get to be “defined” as something between a crab and a jellyfish… not funny, to be very honest… a cat with long whiskers (“overlord”) was better


so, those clever names for the ranks will disappear and be replaced by something uninspired as level 1, Level 2 and so on?
Bad idea.
And a totally useless and probably costly change


Don´t worry. You´ll never be that to me. :grinning:


(off topic: muchas gracias… i see no jellycrab requiring and downloading audio from forvo, one by one, took me hours!!!)

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I loved the current ranks system (names and icons).

A big nono: the stupid simple level names.

What I would have loved to see (as improvements):
More ranks, especially more sub-ranks for the last higher levels to meassure my learning / review progress in between.

There are quite many gaps between the last five 2.500.000 to 100.000.000 even in the old ranking system!

How shall I ever review so many points to be able to jump from Memonist (2,5 mio.) to Meminence (10 mio.) / Memperor (50 mio.)?
That will take me a lot of time and is not very realistic…and there is currently “no bonus badget” on the way in between!

Somehow your team went the quite different way: To even raise the points for six ranks (I was not checking ranks <100.000 points, as pointed out previously by others :frowning:

I already feel sorry about that movement.
The new icons alone are probably not my most concerns :wink:

PS: How about including (all) coloured icons in your preview? They are all black / not visible. Was this your intention?


Maybe I’m missing or not understating something, but from what I see they did insert more subranks in between (30 or 70 million for ex.).
And Memperor is 50 million points, not 10.
How much time a day do you spend on this site, btw?

I still see the overload rank (level 18) as having 100 million points so where is the change?

I’m a bit confused by all of this.

Isn’t that very low? 3000 points per day. That is barely a few minutes of work.
Why do you expect differently? What am I missing?

(you sure you did the maths right? (ahat Alan says is 21.000 to 28.000 a day)

You right. I am missing there a zero. Ok, now it makes more sense. About 1 hour a day.

That may be the case if I was using the app for speed tests and tapping tests but that’s not how I use Memrise to learn things. I use the web version and mostly typing tests. It’s quite a different experience. :slightly_smiling_face:


You are right. I updated my previous post.
Memperor is 50 mio., but Meminance was 10 mio.
I just seem to have forgot to add the 2nd number and where they belong to each other.

Here are the rank comparisons:

Mio.          Mio.
old             new           Ranks old                  Ranks new
0,1             -                Memonimee               -
0,15          +0,128        Memblem                   level 10
0,25          +0,32          Memmoth                   level 11
0,5            +0,8           Memocrat	            level 12
1,0            +2,0           Membrain                    level 13
2,5             -               Memonist                     - erased -
5,0             5,0            Membassador              level 14
10,0          +12,5          Meminence                 level 15
-                 31,250       -                                 **level 16**	
50,0          +78,125      Memperor                    level 17
100,0        100,0          Overlord                       level 18
[-                250,0        -
-                 500,0        -
-                 1000,0      -]

You are right.
They are planning to add a new level 16 with 31,250 mio. I like that.
Overlord / level 18 with 100 mio. stays the same.

Actually they are going to raise Memperor with 50 mio. to level 17 with 78,125 mio.
But they are dropping 50 mio boundary :frowning: Level 17 is IMHO actually a replacement, not an additional level!!

The are even dropping Memonist with 2,5 mio. (between 1,0 and Membassador 5,0 mio./level14).
Membrain with 1,0 is erased too, and raised to 2,0 mio., replaced by level 13.

All above six “+ numbers” in the “new points” column of my table mean: Replacing and raising the numbers.

My currently own rank Memonist with 2,5 mio. barrier (I currently have >~3mio. points) is erased and next level 14 with 5,0 mio. points.
Therefore I will fallback to level 13 (2,0 mio.).
And there again is no sub-rank between 2,0 and 5,0 mio which I could reach more easily after 3,0 mio.
Is that “a great” motivation??

I would have nothing against to add additional levels, which may be more easily reachable, especially for the higher levels.
I would definitely vote for that!

And after ~8 months on Memrise I do not care much about the many ranks <100.000 anymore, so I have not included them in the above table - for beginners it is of course nice to have multiple lower level ranks too.

DuoLingo for example has 25 levels, and even that fixed XP limit at level 25 was quite questionable, as more long-time learners can reach more points than that boundary but these XP are not counted anymore.

Look at the Overlord “Romzez”:
He has even gained 311,548,046 mio. points. Wow!! Incredible!
The rank “Overlord” could stay the same, but the very few guys you may have many more than >100 mio. points maybe would be honoured with 1-2 new ranks? :slight_smile:

Please, Memrise graphics designer:
Add some more pictures to reflect some more sub-levels above level 13 / 2,0 mio. points.


Thanks for the feedback. On the black/colour icons, we intentionally left them obscured to have some kind of excitement about when you unlock them. However, when they launch you’ll be able to check out all the previous one in the app (or on the web) :slight_smile:

Heya! Thanks for the feedback. Understand the problems about gaps between the higher ranks! Although this is a pretty common spacing between ranks, and because you guys are all up in the higher ranks, the spacing is going to be bigger. The idea is that each step up is a logical multiplier of the previous one. We have been toying with adding more ranks, but if we do, they’ll probably be ones up above Level 18 (What used to be Overlord), so you guys can keep aiming for something.

All this is useful feedback though! Keep it coming.

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i am not excited to have the avatar of a jellyish lobster…

edit: when I am editing my datatbases I do see some strange creature as symbol, instead of the curent avatar


That don’t make no sense if you want to gamify learning. Learn a few hours, gain a rank, work a few days, gain a rank, work a few weeks and months, gain a rank. That all makes sense. Don’t make no sense to have your users learn for years and years without getting to the last two ranks. By that point all motivation you could get from the ranks is long gone.

If you can’t change the number of ranks, just make the lower ones slightly more difficult to get and the higher ones slightly easier.

Source? And if this common spacing then perhaps it’s also common to give higher ranked users more points?


Not fully logical yet - the gap between levels 16 and 17 is more than double the gap between 17 and 18!

I’m largely going to echo what others have said. Ranks stopped becoming a motivator for me after it got to the stage where the gaps became wayy too large.

This post made a lot of sense to me:

Your suggestion of a multiplier would be an instance of an exponential growth (xlevel) point requirement - it works well for games where your exp gain increases to balance out the large increase in exp needed to level up.

The post I linked above suggests a ‘square relation’ - a form of polynomial growth (levelx), it doesn’t grow so fast and so provides a fairer set of ranks imo. Here’s an example which reaches a hundred million by level 18:[[%2F%2Fmath:1000x^4%2F%2F],{x,[%2F%2Fmath:1%2F%2F],[%2F%2Fmath:18%2F%2F],[%2F%2Fmath:1%2F%2F]}]

I would also be in favour of having more levels - why not 50 or 100?


Would have appreciate it if the designs were a little better.
Well, a little change every now ant then isn’t bad… I guess

Looks good! It always bothered me that there was no visible progression between the badges, it all seemed pretty random.

I don’t like it. I was pleased to finally get Membassador and now it’ll be gone and replaced with something stupid and childish looking. But this is Memrise, and this is expected at this point.