I have a column named “Παράδειγμα” ("Example),in a Spanish-Greek course, meant for illustrative examples. It behaves as expected.
An equivalent column in a different Dutch-Greek course behaves differently. It
either always appears, giving away the word, or when unchecked it doesn’t
appear at all.
When I click to inspect the columns’ attributes, the 1st course “example” column has
lots of different options available. The 2nd course “example” column, on the other hand, just shows
one checkable option.
Why do they behave differently? Can I fix it? I need the example column in the Dutch course
to behave exactly like the one in the Spanish course.
Hi! One is a text column and the other is an attribute column. They can’t behave the same. You have to delete the attribute column and add a text column instead. Then you have to fill all the blanks again. Sorry
If you’re adding a new column there’s a tiny box. If you check it will become attribute from the beginning. Maybe you just didn’t notice it. I’m glad there weren’t too many
Hello @Atikker, if I have an attribute column and I am trying to get it to show below the first (or tested material) column word, does this have to be in a certain column… i.e., 2nd, 3rd, 4th? My attributes column is #5
Col #1 - German
Col #2 - English
Col #3 - Audio
Col #4 - Plurals & Inflection
Col #5 - Attributes
I see the option to “Show at Tests” (when I click the column edit pencil) and I have checked it, but once I hit save … the edit popup just hangs there and nothing happens. In previewing the level & words, they are not showing on the first screen, but then they are there in the 2nd “answer” screen and also the 3rd “correction” screen.
Any thoughts on this appreciated… I am not the creator of the course, but I am editing one where the creator is no longer active.
Attributes are shown as labels. If you use web version I think all attribute labels are shown. In app only the first attribute column is shown.
If it’s not attribute but rather text column it is shown only after answering and when you get the phrase wrong. (If you’re a contributor you can’t change columns)
if you could share that course link with me I can show you how it looks to me
I am not seeing the attributes, which they are an attribute not text column. As a side note, now as I “preview” the course it is adding every one to my difficult words list!
If I could add you as a contributor would you be willing to take a look around inside?