Clear “Difficult Words”

How can I clear out all my Difficult Words?

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On Decks, I don’t know of a simpler way than to repeat-review them until you have answered them correctly three times in a row in order to remove the marker. Courses containing them show up on your dashboard (with the yellow lightning bolt) and, by then going to the course homepage, you can click on the “Difficult words” button (next to the black “Levels” button) to be taken to a list where you can see (and review) them without having to track them down on individual ‘level’ pages.

However, if you just want to remove the “Difficult” marker, you can do it from the Memrise website while our user-created courses are still accessible there. Go to the relevant course homepage and click on the “Difficult Words” button. Unlike on Decks, this version of the list has the yellow lightning bolt icon next to each item. Click on that and the item will be removed from the list - but just be aware that it will never appear as a “Difficult word” again, according to this:

If you have Memrise Pro, you can access and review/remove your “Difficult words” via the ‘stats’ section.

Hope this helps.


I can’t reach dificult words at all on Memrise, only on Decks. On Memrise the difficult word count is set to zero on every course page. If I click on the yellow lightning button anyway I get this:


OK, sorry! It looks like it may be something to do with the ‘Pro’ features, then. For courses which don’t have any difficult words, I get a slightly different message to you:

For courses where I do have a difficult word, I get similar pages on both Memrise and Decks (except Memrise has the yellow lightning but Decks doesn’t):

So, it seems that my ´shortcut´suggestion only works if you have ´Pro’. Sorry!

Got any suggestions for the OP or is her only way to review her difficult words correctly three times?

Reviewing them correctly three times by normal review or by using difficult words on Decks.

Not sure whether this is a Pro feature as well, but can you try and see whether you can access the complete list of your DW here:
I suppose that would be the easiest way to clear them all out, across one or all courses.

That link redirects to the Premium page.

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For me this only shows 20 difficult words in one course that the course itself says I have 108, So it’s wrong.