Since there is only one Discussion per course allowed it would be nice if the reports of errors were removed as the errors are fixed. Those threads are just getting too long to read.
That’s a lot of trouble. Just start a [part 2]?
Deleting as it’s fixed seems pretty simple.
And a Part 2 would be another thread? Isn’t that against what they wanted?
@WildSage ~ I think it is best to leave them in the thread. That way, they can be used as links to other messages that might concern something similar in other courses (or even the same course) and also because they represent the status of a given course at a certain period of time (just in case something goes amiss with a future Memrise update and someone wonders why things have changed. One could then point to the thread and state that something was working on “x date” but isn’t now). If a post(s) were deleted one could not do any of these things. This is of course, just my opinion. I think @Arete_Hime’s suggestion of a second thread is a better option. Again, just my opinion.
I just thought of this also: if the course maintainer could delete all comments it (deleting the comments) would be simple (but a bother), but since they can’t and everyone who commented would need to delete their own comments, this would be unworkable.
Another workaround that is more achievable would then be: have a leader move the comments to an [Archive] thread. That still would be a lot of trouble with two disjointed threads as a result.
We are ourselves the lords of the universe here, I think.
You both make excellent points. I think Part 2s will be in order for some courses soon.
@WildSage ~ This response may only be of interest to me, but the main reason I favor leaving all parts of a thread intact (especially as it relates to changes to course content, fixing of errors, etc.) is that it creates an electronic “paper trail” that demonstrates a collaboration between course creators and course users whose end goals both seem to be to create the best possible courses available.
There are MANY knowledgeable, dedicated folks in the Memrise community and it is always a wonderful thing to see them come together over courses in order to point out issues, suggest changes, praise new functionality, etc.
Creators are generally eager to create, and users are generally eager to learn. These forums allow for the documentation of these interpersonal dynamics with the end result being a better learning experience for everyone (IMHO). And learning after all is what this whole Memrise experience is supposed to be about.
So that is why I favor keeping all postings intact (even if they sometimes grow extraordinarily long, or seem somewhat dated or irrelevant at times). Again, this may just be my take on things, as I am famous for standing alone on issues. It’s just how I roll…