Classic Review and Speed review not working

Classic Review and Speed review not working for Mandarin Chinese 3 course. Keeps giving me errors. On Speed Review: Speed review is not available for this course. On Classic review: Error Sorry there was an error loading this session!


I have exactly the same problem. It started since I updated to a latest version


Some more details for the developers:

This does not only affect Chinese 3, but also Chinese 1 and probably more Chinese courses.
It looks like all the 汉字 (Chinese Characters) levels are broken.
Tapping on one of those levels shows a popup message saying “Error. Sorry, there was an error loading the content”. Levels which contain both words and characters (Chinese 1 Level 1) work fine.
All the learning options (Classic Review, Difficult Words, …) don’t work if there are characters from the character levels to be refreshed. Going to a normal level and selecting classic review there works. Refreshing all the characters on PC, then selecting classic review on android also works.
Trying to download the course for offline usage also shows an error message.

This started with the latest update (2.94_18233_memrise).
After updating I got a popup that this course now also teaches characters (It already did before) and that I might need to log in again.
I have logged in again and even reinstalled the app and the problem persists.

I hope that this can be fixed soon, as it makes the majority of memrises features unusable for this course on android.


Hi all, thanks for reporting this.

We’ve raised this issue to our QA team, who will investigate asap!

If you have more details about this in the meanwhile, please don’t hesitate to reply to this thread.

Thanks for your patience.

Best wishes,
Memrise team.


Mandarin Chinese 3 won’t load there’s an error

It looks like this is an android specific bug (Or at least it works fine on PC).
It was already reported here: Classic Review and Speed review not working
I also collected some more details/workarounds there.

It looks like the problem has been solved with the recent update. Everything works for me now. Thank you!

This appears to be solved, unfortunately I lost the strike days.