Chrome: no audio and it's a permanent google issue

  1. I have Chrome 67 Windows 7 on a IBM Thinkpad and have no audio in Memrise (I do have audio in general, eg youtube)

  2. I have checked on IE on my computer and audio in Memrise is as it should be.

Looking around there is a major Chrome issue to versions of Chrome since 66, which has led to permanent muting of audio in games using HTML5 at least.

To quote: “While muting autoplay media is certainly a welcome change to many a user, the new policy had some unforeseen consequences for countless game developers. For smaller platforms especially, the Autoplay policy has broken HTML5-based web games by permanently muting audio unless the developers explicitly write in code to do otherwise.”

From what I can see this is a disaster for audio on memrise. I am hoping that the company will take note and sort a work around for the enormous number of courses this affects.

I can’t believe that mine is the only complaint about this.