Chinese learning feedback

Hi there,

Is it possible to make chinese characters bigger?
You have a big square and a tiny character inside. Kind of ridiculous don’t you think ?
Also if there could be a strike order of each one with a test review that would be nice.
Also a toggle switch between pinyin and Chinese characters for more advanced learners
Thanks guys, hope to see it improved soon


This is a known issue. See here for more information, including a confirmation by a member of the Memrise staff:

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This just emphasizes that the lack of any focus on characters in at least Chinese level 1 and 2 is a severe deficiency. When the characters do appear, they are nearly unreadable. It doesn’t seem that Memrise cares, as some of these comments are three years old and haven’t even been replied to, never mind acted on. As of now, I wouldn’t recommend Memrise for learning Chinese. It’s not bad for learning pinyin though.