Chinese 4 & Chinese Business

Hi Guys, I would like to ask if Memrise will do a Chinese 4 course, I am about to finish the 3 course and I feel Chinese 4 or 5 will do even better…I would very much hope that the’y will do a course on Chinese Business…Business is fun and everybody is doing some sort of business…How can we collectively encourage Memrise developers to commit to do such projects?

On my part,I am willing to contribute financially to accomplish these goals.?

Are you?

Thank You. I hope will hear positive feedback.


I second Theo on the request for a Memrise 4 release or development.
Could the developers answer on whether is this going to happen in a near future?
Thanks for the fantastic work Memrise!


I would love to have a Chinese 4 and 5 course on the app too! Have seen some resources on here (quite new to this platform) but it would be really helpful if some of this got put into the app or if there was a way to save it on the app!

Thanks :slight_smile: