No, they are not boasting I think. They are saying they think “the_gibbon” is cheating. We don’t know that. And they are probably not as the_gibbon is a long-term user who just gets a steady number of points every week.
Or you think you know. Better to do your own research or thinking before jumping to conclusions.
In case it’s legit, anyone can elaborate how you can make ~ 200 000 points a day in multiple courses at the same time without a pro account for months in a row? In my experience that translates to ~ 8 hours a day non stop memrising. If that guy managed to pull that off consistently for months, it’s pretty impressive.
There has been plenty of discussion about this ‘phenomenon’ of accumulating absurd amounts of points on Memrise for a while. I continue to be skeptical. There are ways to game Memrise that are widely known. But as you say, if it is legit I’d be impressed, but 8 hrs/day doing nothing but Memrise doesn’t leave much time for life IMHO.
I thought people like this merely restarted courses over and over and over again. This way, the reviews come up more frequently and they can farm points much easier. I have noticed people like this for a while. Interestingly , back in May-June I “learned” 50 words per day and kept up on reviews for HSK6 and my points were nowhere near their point totals even on a temporary basis. This sort of confirms what I said above.