Hey! I got back into Memrise after a busy streak over the past year. I remember when these site changes were just being made and hearing something about users possibly being able to set a custom amount of words/terms able to be reviewed/learned in learning settings. Perhaps progress is being made there. (Maybe there’s a Chrome/Firefox/etc. extension that allows this?)
Nevertheless, I feel like I remember more than 10 terms learned per (new word) learning session used to be the max before the UI update. I think the max was either 20 or 25. I had this on until recently and enjoyed it; I wanted to lower my amount of terms per review session (I think that I previously set it to 100, and it just took it out of me after falling out of my routine!) and saw that none of the new options for terms per each session were selected, and while lowering to 50 per (normal) review session, I also lowered terms learned per learning session by accident to 10 and, of course, am unable to increase it due to that being the max.
As such: are there any plans to increase the number of terms that can be learned or reviewed in a session anytime soon? Or is there any other way to change this that I am unaware of? It would be much appreciated!