Can't find Hindi Courses in the Android App

I was used to search for and add courses in the app. Especially when a course had a problem, for example didn’t download properly or so, I’d remove it (open the course in the App, click on the top bar, and there is a recycle bin icon to click on) and then search for it, and add it again. Problem solved.

However, when I search for for example ‘Hindi’ it finds zero courses. There are many, I know for sure, with the word ‘Hindi’ in the title.

What am I doing wrong?

Thank you!

You need to do that on the website and re-sync the mobile app.

It has been said multiple times by other users, that the more recent mobile app only displays the offical 1-7 Memrise courses.


Well, if so many people have reported this issue, then it’s an extra confirmation that the bug exists, with even more specific information under which circumstances this happens. Helpful info.

Now, I hope Memrise could fix this issues as reported (I’m a paying user).

it is not a “bug”, because the team answered (@BeaTrisy) that this move was deliberately made… because the memrise team wants it so…

Oh, I didn’t know that - thanks for letting me know. I wonder where we could find that response.

Edit: Found these Release Notes of Dec 2017 though, from @BeaTrisy, but only one change announced; not this one.

It was apparent from the replies given in these topics:

… and my post No 74 in this topic:


Thank you!
I’ve read all four topics. I’ll talk to Beatrisy.
Have a good day!