Can't create new levels on course

I am building a course and as of today I can no longer create new levels for the course for learning. When I go into edit course and I click the button to add a new level the drop down menu appears as normal and gives me the option to select between Japanese and Multimedia but when I click on the first option for Japanese nothing happens. No new level is created. If I click to add a new multimedia level it also doesn’t work clicking it once but if I double click multimedia I will get a new course level but the option for adding a new course level for testing doesn’t work even if I double click it.

As I said before this only happened today for the first time because I just created a new level just last night in another course and everything was working fine and I have tried this on a few different courses today just to test and none of them will add any new levels so its not the course itself.

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Also I suddenly can’t edit mem definitions, or switch testing directions on course levels. It seems like the course editor features are all broken.



We’ve had some issues with user generated content, but now all should be back to normal. Thank you all for your patience.

Happy learning


6 posts were merged into an existing topic: Request for increased powers for Course Contributors who are now responsible for courses