Cannot set a goal

I wanted to experiment with daily goals, though I’m not sure the way they work makes sense to me. But memrise for some reason already set daily goals for me on a few courses, I have no idea how it chose them; for whatever reason, I’ve had goals on a few courses and not on the rest. But today, I decided to start a new course, and set a daily goal on it.

I go to and select “recently learned” so the course I just started is on tip. Since it has no goal, it has a “Set a daily goal” button, which I click on. That pops up a window with a choice of goals, and if I select one of them (such as 1500/day) a big red “Saved!” appears on it.

But it’s not saved. Next time I go to that course still shows as having no goal. If I click “Set a daily goal” again, I get a popup with no goal selected. I can select one and it’ll say “Saved!” again, but it’s never saved.

I see no reason why your daily goal has not been set.

I would recommend looking at this article on how to set a daily goal.

If this does not help resolve your issue, please take a screenshot of your browser console and insert it here alongside the browser you are using and the course.

Could you also try with other browsers and check whether or not it’s saved in incognito mode?

My screenshots would look just like yours. I get exactly that popup window you show in your second screenshot. I click the very same circle your arrow points to. It says “Saved!”. But the next time I look at the course list, that course still has no goal.

One thing that may be odd: The window doesn’t disappear after I click that green circle to select a goal. To make it go away, I have to click on some other part of the page outside the goal-selection window. Or reload. There’s no save or dismiss button; it just stays there hovering over the main memrise page. I think it probably wasn’t intended to work this way. Maybe after I set a goal it’s supposed to go away on its own, or maybe a button is supposed to appear to let me dismiss that window.

This is Firefox on Mac.