Cannot add items from database to levels

Trying to update one of my courses today, and encountered a completely debilitating bug: the search for adding new items to a level now seems completely missing. I start typing the name of something I know is in my database, and just get “no results found”. I tried it on a couple of different levels just to check, and I tried entering the names of several different things from my database, just to see if I could add any one of them to any existing level. Nope, cannot. Which means I pretty much cannot do any work on this course at all.

Has anyone else tried updating their courses today? Have you been able to add existing stuff from your database, to levels (either brand new levels or existing levels) ?


Having the exact same problem; very frustrating!!!

When I start typing something it comes up with very few preexisting entries, even when I know what i’m adding already exists and can find it with the search function.

Makes me worry that i’m going to have duplicate entries and as I rely on this for memorising vocabulary and my midterms are next week i’m getting more and more fustrated with this app…

Screenshot example;

(I understand that you probably can’t read Korean, but just trust me; it’s the same word)

I can read Korean :slight_smile:

I have the same problem too. I am not using Korean, only English or Russian database

Can’t add words from database to levels. This problem is not solved. It is very important problem that you can’t add words from your database to levels. It is not possible to move word from one level to other.


I’m still totally blocked on updating my courses.

Are any other course creators seeing this? Or not seeing this? Have you been able to add existing items from your database to any levels in your courses in the past week?

My japanese database is still broken, I’m adding new words from the common ( the one preinstalled) vocabulary but it doesn’t work with the words I personally added

I emailed them about this the same day that I originally posted here, and they replied telling me to check this thread; Memrise website and apps are down [ Edit: Fixed! ]
Clearly didn’t even bother to read what it was I was reporting!!!
Especially as someone who pays for pro I find their blatant lack of care entirely unacceptable.

EDIT: And yes. The problem still very frustratingly persists.


Did you write them back and let them know their answer had nothing to do with the problem you were reporting? Did they ever respond?

Totally screwed up. Simply unacceptable. I really don’t understand the Memrise team; I must say I’ve never worked with a similar bunch. Why do they insist on offering me entries from someone else’s database and especially when they don’t even match! And to make it even more ironical, they don’t offer entries from our own database.

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Me too. I want to start updating my lessons but this is not working even with the most simple subjects I have. Please fix this!!

Yes, I wrote them back.
My original email - Nov 4
Their reply - Nov 7
My reply - Nov 8

Haven’t heard from them since however…

would someone from the team look into this?

Three complains (one is a bug):

  1. Search for a word in the database is hidden so well that it took me a while to discover it, even after I already saw this function before. Not intuitive! Sometimes I need to check if the word is already in my course, but it takes so many clicks…

  2. I found that word is in the database, but there is no indication to which level it belongs.

  3. I want to add another word right after the search. So I add the word to the empty field right below the search results. The new word is in the database now, it can be found, but it does not belong to any of my levels and does not appear in the learning sessions.

you need to add that word to a level you want.
its easier to add all the words to database and then make levels out of them.
Then if you need to add a few more add them straight to a level, they will appear in that database this level was made out of

Usually I add words one by one directly to the levels (I build my own course based on new words I meet every day; after adding a few dozens of words I create a new level, and so on.
But occasionally I have the situation described above.
So, how do I add the words from the database to a certain level later?
I can see only one provided way: automatically split the whole database into chunks of 15 words, which is completely useless for me.

start typing it in your wanted level like I did with “puna…” it should give you a list of entries. It doesn’t always give all the available answers, but I think they have fixed it


Well, I was meaning - from the database view. It is really a nasty overhead - going to the level in order to “pool” the words from the database. The info about to which level the words belong is clearly missing from the database view.

if you have many words use bulk add in certain level. If you have few words type it in in certain level. Don’t use the database view

I’m having a similar issue.
I explain a little more about it in this post: